Perfume bottle Needle holder Perfume bottle Hairbrush set Hairbrush Hairbrush Broom Wallet Broom Wallet Shears Shears Sons of the American Revolution Medal Steamer ticket Button Buttons Buttonhook Button Button Legal Advisor Selective Service System button Button Patria Club of Salem Medal Patria Club of Salem Medal Coin Boy's Clubs of America Medal Postage stamps Box Checkbook Thumbtacks Salt glazed stoneware jar with lid Salt glazed stoneware crock Salt glazed stoneware crock with handles Salt glazed stoneware jar Salt glazed stoneware churn Salt glazed stoneware crock Albany slip glazed earthenware chamber pot Buttons Shirt studs Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Key Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Pencil holder Third Liberty Loan button Third Liberty Loan button Pencil holder