Sampler Desk box Storage box Pie plate extractor Sauceboat Mercury Infra-red defroster Sampler Needlework Chamber pot Cloth Fragment Saltcellar Saltcellar Floor lamp Sampler Berlinwork sampler Berlinwork sampler Sampler Needlework Picture Dessert Service Dessert Service Dessert plates Fruit baskets Fruit Cooler Sauce Tureen Vase Sauceboat Urn Urn Side Chair Needlework picture Sampler Painting of Flowers in a Blue Staffordshire Vase Landscape Painting Coral and Bells Block-front Chest of Drawers Linoleum Floorcloth Side Chair "Palais-Royal" Wallpaper Panel Federal tea service Teapot with lid Sugar Bowl Cream pitcher Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Saucer Saucer