Bathing costume / Bathing suit Brooch Linoleum Clay Figure Clay Figure Clay Figure Skirt Necklace Necklace Commemorative Bowl Set of Chairs Fireset Pair of Andirons Pair of Andirons Eleazer Arnold House Ornament Chest Library Desk Bust of Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Plate Clock Pair of Candelabra Chamber pot Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Electrified hanging lamp Rug Rug Rug Bedskirt Teacup Teacup Teacup Saucer Teacup Saucer Teacup Teacup Teacup Cake Plate Wash pitcher Andiron Andiron Jamb hook