Portrait Portrait miniature of John Codman III (1755-1803), Rachel Caulfield, watercolor on ivory, England, 1912 Portrait miniature of Margaret Russell Codman (1757-1789), waterclor on ivory, Rachel Caulfield, England, 1912 Silver tray, Lows, Ball and Co., Boston, 1842 John Codman's silver tea pot with burner stand, H. B. Stanwood & Co. (Henry B. Stanwood 1818-1869), Boston, 1854 Fur Collar Fur Hat Fur Hat Fur Hat Fur Hat Fur Cuff Fur Cuff Fur Ear Flaps Fur Collar, Hat, Cuffs, and Muff Set Shawl with Box Fur Collar and Cuffs Fur Hat with Ear Flaps Pair of Fur Gloves Pair of Fur Gloves Fur Muff with Box Pair of Gloves Fur Muff with Box Fur Muff with Box Pair of Fur Gloves Fur Collar Fur Muff Shoe Box with Fur Cuffs and Samples Fur Muff Pair of Shoe Liners Fur Muff Fur Collar Pieces of a Fur Collar Fur Collar Fur Cape Sweater Fur Collar Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Walter Gropius Birthday Card Glass Doorknob