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Catalog no. 5, Julius Blum & Co., Inc., 532-540 West 22nd Street, New York, New York

The catalog describes railings, treillage, mouldings, saddles, tubing and shapes and ornaments. Text on the front cover reads, "A.I.A. File No. 15."

Deck House, series 3, Deck House, Inc., 930 Main Street, Acton, Mass.

Series 3 has floor plans and photographs for Deck Houses of less than 1800 square feet.

Grossman's quality crafted homes, Grossman's Model Village, s.e. Expressway & Union Street, South Braintree, Mass.

The catalog describes model home plans and options for building them.

Boston Post book of all electric homes, spring 1937, Boston Post, Boston, Mass.

The catalog has descriptions, floor plans and articles for prospective home builders to create modern houses that support electric appliances.

Custom built for where you want to live, Pilgrim Homes of New England, Inc., P.O. Box 3, Danvers, Mass.

The folder has six sheets describing individual house plans. There is one additional sheet with text "All new for '64."

Swift Homes certified quality for a lifetime of good living, Swift Homes Inc., Chicago Avenue, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania

1 trade catalog, 24 pages : color illustrations ; 11 x 13 3/4 inches

Gilbilt homes, designs for better living, U.S. route 3, Nashua, New Hampshire

Gilbilt houses for different budget needs are described with drawings, dimensions and floor plans.

Distinguished living by Assembled Homes, Inc., 40 Holton Street, Winchester, Mass.

Prefabricated houses, duplexes, apartments and motels are described in the catalog.

Concrete houses & cottages, volume I large houses, published by the Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad Street, New York, New York

Concrete houses, from around the country, are shown with floor plans and photographs. Text on the back cover reads "The cement bought by the United States Government for the Panama Canal."

Portfolio of interiors, Irving Bowman, Arts & Decoration Book Society, New York, New York

The house interior drawings include kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, dens and offices. There is one drawing of a restaurant interior.

Decorative floors, Armstrong Cork Company, Linoleum Department, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

The features and advantages of linoleum flooring are described for customers.

Fairmont Foundry Company, Inc., manufacturers ornamental castings, catalog 1286, 3125 35th Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama

Wrought iron designs for exterior and interior uses are described in the catalog.

Illustrated catalogue of composition capitals and brackets, catalog no. 127, The Decorators Supply Corp., 3610-12 So. Morgan Street, Chicago, Illinois

Column capitals and brackets are described for customers including Greek and Roman classics, Italian, French and modern designs.

Wood fibre carvings, catalog 129, The Decorators Supply Corp., 3610-12 So. Morgan Street, Chicago, Illinois

The carvings in the catalog are reproductions of hand carved patterns and are intended for mantels, cabinets and architectural trim. There is a separate pice list dated April 1, 1992.

Blotter, Goes Lithographing Company, 42 West 61st Street, Chicago, Illinois

The business has created a blotter with the locations of all military bases in the United States. Leaflets attached to the blotter describe the advertising benefits of utilizing the blotter for your business. There is an envelope with the material.

Colonial Cranberry Company capital stock certificate

Blank certificate for the Colonial Cranberry Company captial stock shares at $50 par value.

Sandy's on the Bridge menu

A bi-fold tan colored menu with red and black lettering. the meun has a map of Cape Cod featuring the Cape Cod Canal and the location of Sandy's along Buzzard's Bay. The menu is undated.

King Midas Sea Grill & Restaurant menu

One tan menu for King Midas Sea Grill & Restaurant in Buzzard's Bay, Mass. Also advertising dining and dancing at the Rainbow Room featuring an orchestra and live entertainment everynight.

"Cape Cod Cranberries"

An illustrated booklet titled, "Cape Cod Cranberries" by James Webb. Printed by the Orange Judd Company, N.Y. in 1892.

"Cape Cod's Famous Cranberry Recipes"

A booklet highlighting recipes made with Ocean Spray cranberries. The booklet is in color, with photographs.

"22 Best Fresh Recipes from the Special Files of Ocean Spray's Cranberry Kitchen"

A booklet of recipes and pictures featuring Ocean Spray Cranberries from Hanson, Mass.

"Cape Cod Cookery Bourne Junior Women's Club"

A spiral bound cookbook from the Bourne Junion Women's Club featuring recipes and advertisements from Cape Cod circe 1950.

Supplement for 1914 to Catalogue of Caproni casts, reproductions from antique, medieval and modern sculpture, made and for sale by P.P. Caproni and Brother, 1914-1920 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

In addition to classical subjects and historical figures the supplement has busts of Julia Ward Howe, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frances E. Willard.

Caproni casts, American Indians and other sculptures, by Cyrus E. Dallin, P.P. Caproni and Brother, makers of plaster reproductions of ancient and modern sculpture, 1914-1920 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

The catalog has reproductions of Dallin sculptures of Native Americans and historic American women. There is a Dallin biography on page 2 of the item.

Catalog, Giust Gallery, 1920 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

Lino Giust's reproductions are cast in hydrocal with terra cotta, sandstone, bronze and white patina finishes. The history of Caproni and Giust reproductions is described inside the front cover. There is a separate price list with "1995" handwritten on it.

"1963 Tide Tables"

A 1963 tide table for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

"1976 Tide Tables"

A 1976 tide table for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

"1977 Tide Table"

A 1977 tide table for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

"Cape Cod Canal 1989 Tide Tables"

A 1989 tide table for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

"1996 Nantucket Mariner's Handbook"

A handbook containing boat basin information, Nantucket maps, and Harbor Tide Charts.

"Cape Cod Canal Navigation Regulations and General Information"

for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

"Cape Cod Canal Navigation Regulation and General Information Canal Control WUA-21"

Naval Regulations and general information for the Cape Cod Canal produced by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, New England Division.

No image available

Massachusetts - Boston - General Scenic Views

File part

The Cape Codder brochure and letter

A pamphlet including photographs and illustrations advertising the Cape Codder in Falmouth, Mass. Also accompanying the pamphlet is a form letter containing information about the site.

The Terrace Gables Hotel on Cape Cod

A pamphlet advertising The Terrace Gables Hotel on Cape Cod in Falmouth Heights, Mass. The pamphlet includes pictures of the hotel's rooms, lounges, and amenities.

Boston to Plymouth: Massachusetts Bay Cruises pamphlet

A pamphlet with general information and sailing schedules for the Cape Cod Steamship Company's Boston to Plymouth route.

Advertisement, Adams' Fire Fender Manufactory, Bedford Street, Boston, Mass.

Samuel Adams, wire worker, manufactures, repairs and paints fenders. Customers should provide measurements with their orders.

Advertisement, McDonald's celebrated wringer, T.E. McDonald, manager, No. 113 Chambers Street, New York, New York

Treadwell manufactures wringers and washers. The price of the washers has been reduced "during the present exhibition of the American Institute, 1880."

Trade card, F. Hayden, watch maker & gilder, No. 15 Fore Street, Boston, Mass.

Hayden repairs watches and clocks and works in silver, copper, brass and pinchbeck. Hayden is located near the drawbridge.

Handbill, Franklin Music Warehouse, No. 6 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.

The Warehouse dealt in organs, pianofortes and other musical instruments. A separate hand written note describes the Warehouse's background and connection to the Handel and Haydn Society.

Tile-Craft Beads, Walbead, Inc., 38 West 37th Street, New York, New York

The colors available are shown on a bead sample card. A price list has the bridge sets, mats, design paper, needles and instruction books. The third item is an order form for customers.

Gunnison Homes, Gunnison Homes, Inc., United States Steel Corporation subsidiary, New Albany, Indiana

The process for working with a Gunnison dealer is described in detail. Eight floor plans are shown for potential customers. A customer letter, dated June 20, 1947, is included in the envelope.

Popponesset Beach pamphlet

One pamphlet advertising Popponesset Beach Tourist Camp and cottages. Includes illustrations and map.

Park Beach Hotel pamphlet

A pamphlet advertising the Park Beach Hotel on the South Shore of Cape Cod in 1942. The pamphlet includes illustrations, pictures, and a map of the hotels amenities, things to do, and location.

Letterhead, Liberty Ready Cut Homes, Lewis Manufacturing Company, Bay City, Michigan

The letter informs the customer that a capable carpenter can erect a Liberty Home. A business envelope is enclosed.

Ride the...Edaville Railroad pamphlet

A pamphlet advertising the Edaville Railroad in South Carver, Massachusetts; includes a schedule for the 1953 season.

Your house from American Houses, Inc., 570 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York

The houses are built to Bureau of Standards specifications and are only sold through contractors. A small card states the customer will be contacted again when the business has a distributor in the area. The brochure and card were in an envelope.

Ride the Edaville Railroad pamphlet

An undated pamphlet advertising the Edaville Railroad in South Carver, Massachusetts. The Edaville Railroad described as, "...the only two-foot gauge railroad on the North American Continent..." where riders pass through five miles of cranberry bogs.

General Houses, Inc., Chicago Daily News Building, Chicago, Illinois

The items in the envelope are: 1)General customer letter. 2)Drawings of the exteriors of two samll houses. 3)Information sheet with title "This prefab is your baby." 4)Three large sheets with title "General Houses knows how" for the panels, the joints and the assembly.

Edaville Railroad Christmas Festival pamphlet

A pamphlet advertising the Edaville Railroad's Christmas Festival during the 1956 holiday season. Advertised as a, " magnificently illuminated colorama."