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Shore at Manchester, Mass.

View from elevation of rocky shoreline, with trees growing very close to cliffs and water's edge. Houses in distance.

No image available

The Shore, Manchester, Massachusetts -- Mr. Dana's Island.

Blues, browns, greens. From rocky shoreline, view to foggy island in distance.

No image available

Walker Pond.

View as if standing on hill with rocky outcrops viewing pond, trees, and fields into far distance.

Old Parsonage.

Sketch of parsonage set amid trees. Most of building can be seen from two angles. Fair details.

Old Custom House, Curve St.

"Doorway on end of building", drawing of an old, opened door.

Old Custom House, Curve St.

Drawing of "Doorway Facing Whart" which is cluttered with barrels, lobster traps, etc. More detail of building than seen in companion picture ORS3.118.

Fairbanks House.

Greens and browns. House dominates most of picture. Signpost in road in front of house. Frame house, 2 stories, 2 chimneys.

Mast House (?) on Connecticut Lake.

Simple gray pencil sketch of building(s) near lake with mountains in background.

"Katahdin over Lake Katahdin."

Gray pencil sketch of mountain over lake,

No image available

Boulder - Roadside Near Bridgeport.

Gray pencil - enormous boulder dominates center foreground.

No image available

Lane Near Bridgeport/

Gray pencil - stone wall and fence in foreground next to a clearing between trees that shows a lake and mountains in distance.

No image available

Bridgeport House and S. R. Lathrop's.

Gray pencil - view of house with attached buildings (seen from one side in the back yard) looking toward the side of another building. Few details.

No image available

Marshfield Graveyard.

Gray pencil on blue lined paper. Old headstones in cemetery - fencing surrounds them, trees and house in right background. Some names on headstones: Winslow, Esq. and Abigail.

No image available

The Glen - Tyngsboro, Mass.

Cascade of boulders and rocks in a tree surrounded area - probably a forest. Colors of gray and green predominate.

Old Wentworth House, Little Harbor, Newcastle, N.H.

Rambling, gray house seen from the rear; apparently the rear of the house is next to the harbor. Good details.

No image available

Walbach Tower.

Base of stone tower overgrown with grasses, amid grass and rocks. Roof of house in distance. Tower is brown and gray. Two windows cut into wall can be seen.

Old House at Newcastle, N.H.

Gambrel roofed house next to a pond or river. House and fence brown. Good details. Green grass and trees. Blue sky and water.

Minot House.

Gray hip roofed house in center of picture surrounded by green trees. Fair details.

No image available

Falmouth, Mass. from Hotel Window.

View of inlet or harbor with wharf and buildings. Little or no details

Melrose, Mass.

Pastel colored view of house surrounded by various trees and lawn. Poor detail.

Sunset at Nantucket, Mass.

Purple pink sunset at a beach, no details.

Sandwich Village, looking north.

Impressionistic pastel colors form a blurry view of some houses and trees along a road (not discernible but probably there because the houses are aligned).

Sandwich Village from the High Ground Nearby (looking north).

Only two spires can be distinguished in view of village and trees.

Sandwich Village, Mass. from Barnstable Road - Looking North.

Indistinct view of what seems to be a cluster of buildings in a landscape.

Mrs. Thaxter's Cottage.

Progression of multicolored flowers in front of porch of house overlooking an expanse of water.

Home of Carl Thaxter.

Roof and upper story of house and what looks like an unattached tower protruding above dense cluster of trees and greenery. Rocks in foreground - sea in distance. Clearer than most of her pictures.

Lake Dunmore, Brandon, Vermont.

Lake in middle, ground in front, mountains in back. Red house on shore. Illegible notes on back.

Salisbury, Vermont - Adirondacks in Distance.

Pretty blues and greens combine to make picture of fields in foreground with mountains in distance. Lone trees dominate center of picutre. A great distance is indicated.

Copy from Abbott Graves.

Deeper colors than she normally uses for landscapes surround a bright red building at a pier.

Tibbett's Farm (From Old Post Road - West of Auto Road).

Depicts attached buildings. Rose colored with green trees. Few details.

No image available

Old Lincoln House.

More detailed than the usual Mrs. Fenno picture. Point of land with cluster of buildings and trees overlooking turquoise water. Predominantly blues and browns.

Monhegan, Me.

Gray rocky coast next to gray, foggy rough sea with boats at moorings. Seagulls.

Monhegan, Me.

Nice picture of water washing over rocks. Browns, whites, and blues. Seagulls.

Stony Point, Hudson River.

Tiny picture edged by embossed frame. Delicate and neat view of rocky river's edge with 3 buildings, one seemingly a lighthouse or tower.

No image available

Kennebunkport, Me.

One in a series of five rock studies. Grays and browns predominate. Blue sea and sky with seagulls.

No image available

Study of Rocks.

Predominantly brown and gray colors. Gray sky - no other background. Looks quite realistic

No image available

Cliffs at Kennebunkport.

Rocky coastline - browns and grays. Deep blue water, light blue sky with scattered cumulus clouds. Bit of green field in center with a building or rwo.

No image available

Cliff Rocks.

Brown rocks. Light blue sea with white foam striking rocks near shore and also farther out in middle of water. Blue sky with cumulus clouds.

No image available

Cliffs at Kennebunkport.

Boulders, rocks, cliff on coastline. Flat dark blue sea. Seagulls in light blue sky. Touch of green vegetation. Nice shading - peaceful feeling.

No image available

Gerrish House, Gerrish Island.

One in a series of ten. Brown house. Sea behind in distance. Good details. House built 1650.

Dennett House, Gravelly Ridge.

Brown house circa 1670. Good details. Delicate colors and background of trees.

No image available

Governor Wentworth House.

All gray. Rambling, large house. Good details. Water in distance. House built 1750.

No image available

Jackson House, Portsmouth.

House seen from rear. Brown and beige house, red chimneys, green grass and trees, blue sky and bit of water.

No image available

Tobias Lear House.

Grays. House, built about 1740, seen from side and front, from street. Other houses across street. Fencing runs around property and down street.

No image available

Underwood House.

Good details of house built about 1700. Fence on one side.

No image available

Amazeen House New Castle.

Seen from front with a bit of one side showing.

No image available

Pickering House.

Usual delicate coloring.

No image available

Garrison House.

Large, two-chimneyed building with other (out?) buildings nearby. Seen from 2 sides. Three entrances in front; one elevated but without visible stairway to it on second level.

No image available

Old Parsonage, York.

Seen from front and side. Fair to good details. Fence circles property.

No image available

[Untitled drawing of the Conn. River as opposite Newbury, Vt.]

1 drawing pen and ink