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Eagle Cotton Gin Manufactory, Bridgewater, Mass.

A family of three observes a train outside the Eagle Cotton Gin factory in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.

Military excercises, Franklin Park, Roxbury, Mass.

Large crowds of people observe military exercises taking place in Franklin Park.

Workers lay out a road in Franklin Park, Roxbury, Mass.

Workers use equipment to lay out a road in Franklin Park.

View of two roads in Franklin Park, Roxbury, Mass.

Two roads can be seen in Franklin Park.

View of Ellicott Arch and Circuit Drive in Franklin Park, Roxbury, Mass.

The Ellicott Arch can be seen at the far left with Circuit Drive above it in the image. Circuit Drive was designed for carriage traffic with foot traffic on the lower road. The Arch was designed by John Charles Olmsted.

View of Ellicott Arch and Circuit Drive in Franklin Park, Roxbury, Mass.

The Ellicott Arch can be seen in the center left with Circuit Drive above it in the image. Circuit Drive was designed for carriage traffic with foot traffic on the lower road. The Arch was designed by John Charles Olmsted.

Sample, USG Sheetrock, wall and ceiling material, United States Gypsum Company, 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, undated

The leaflet wrapped around the sample defines sheetrock, its uses and instructions for how to apply it.

Frames for keepsake pictures, reproduced and designed by Foster Brothers, Summer & Mill Streets, Arlington, Mass.

The catalog has frames designed for portrait photographs.

Modes & manners, vol. 2, no. 5, February 1926, Jordan Marsh Company, Boston, Mass.

The Jordan Marsh Company diamond jubilee, 1851-1926, is celebrated in men's and women's fashions and furniture and interior decoration. The cover has an inset drawing of the first Jordan Marsh shop against the building at Washington and Summer Streets. Pages 17-24 are missing from the item.

Illustrated catalog of gothic and other artistic domestic furniture, fittings, decorations, upholstery, and metal work, Cox & Sons, London, England

The catalog has carved furniture pieces and decorations. Pages 1-4 are missing from the item. There is a slip dated August 1, 1873 that describes price increases. A leaflet attached to the last page describes a store at 12 West Street in Boston.

Herculean Antique Covers, American Writing Paper Co., Manchester, Connecticut

Sample covers and colors are provided in the item. The paper is carried by the Cook-Vivian Company, 189 Congress Street in Boston.

Announcement from Winship's, W.W. Winship, Inc., 71 Summer Street, 16 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.

The storefronts at both addresses are shown in the brochure. The inside of the brochure has a small catalog "Gifts in leather" which describes hand bags, toilet goods, suitcases, trunks and small leather goods.

Catalogue of the Perry Pictures, Perry Pictures Company, Malden, Mass.

"The Perry Pictures are halftone reproductions from photographs or steel engravings." Customers can select from portraits, historical and religious subjects and animals.

Catalogue of the Perry Pictures, Perry Pictures Company, Malden, Mass.

"The Perry Pictures are halftone reproductions from photographs or steel engravings." Customers can select from portraits, historical and religious subjects and animals. Loose items in this catalog are: 1)Miniature colored pictures catalogues B, C and D. 2)A one cent size sample "Feeding the hens." ...

Let fluorescent light the way to new smartness, beauty and comfort in your home, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., New York, New York

The brochure describes fluorescent lighting features and fixtures for the home.

In memory of a house, save your house, instead of just its memory! Manufactured by West Dodd Corporation, Goshen, Indiana

The brochure promotes the West Dodd Certified System for home protection from lightning.

Account of the life of Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilvert Du Motier Marquis de La Fayette, with illustrations of the La Fayette pattern of sterling silver tableware, Towle Mfg. Company, silversmiths, Newburyport, Mass.

Lafayette's life is recounted with illustrations. Text on the front cover reads, "6th series colonial." The majority of tableware pages, 49-66, are missing from the item.

Biographical sketch of Madame Adelina Patti, by Michel Mortier, Steinway & Sons Celebrated Pianos, New York, New York

The life and career of the opera singer is told in the pamphlet. She uses Steinway pianos in all her concerts.

Greet card, child of the graphic arts, vol. 2, no. 2, prepared by the Arts Bureau of Gartner & Bender, Inc., 510 Madison Avenue, New York, New York

This work is a bibliography of sources for young artists interested in greeting card design. The cited works cover air brushing, embossing, etching and engraving, offset lithographing, paper, printing and silk screening.

Greeting card art, how you can sell it! Vol. 1, no. 2, prepared by the Arts Bureau of Gartner & Bender, Inc., 510 Madison Avenue, New York, New York

Advice is provided for artists considering working in the greeting card field. Such topics as submitting pieces, approaching publishers and protecting one's work are covered.

New field beckons the American artist, vol. 1, no. 3, prepared by the Arts Bureau of Gartner & Bender, Inc., 510 Madison Avenue, New York, New York

Greeting cards as social communication and a field of support for artists is examined.

Receipt for Exeter Hay Scales, Exeter, New Hampshire, dated February 23, 1853

Daniel McKane has paid his account to Thomas Sanborn.

Receipt for Exeter Hay Scales, Exeter, New Hampshire, dated November 28, 1854

The receipt names the persons involved in the transaction, the whole wieght, tare, net weight and price.

Receipt for Exeter Hay Scales, Exeter, New Hampshire, dated December 14, 1854

The receipt names the persons involved in the transaction, the whole wieght, tare, net weight and price.

Envelope fragment for I. Sack Cabinet Hardware Co., wholesale and retail, 85 Charles Street, Boston, Mass.

The business carries furniture and door hardware. A New York City address is given at 625 Lexington Avenue.

View of the city of Boston

This is a view of Boston and Back Bay when the railroad causeways had been established. The State House can be seen in the center of the image. The steeple to the right of the State House may be Park Street Church. Two laborers and a woman walk along the causeway bed. The Worcester Railroad train tr...

Ticket for Boston Art Club exhibition of paintings by Frederick J. Waugh, 150 Newbury, corner of Dartmouth, Boston, Mass.

The exhibition will be held from November 7-28, 1914. Text on the ticket reads "Present this card at Dartmouth Street entrance.

Houses, camp cottages, equipment as prefabricated by Hodgson, E.F. Hodgson Co., Boston and New York

The catalog has houses and outdoor buildings such as play houses, bird houses, animal housing and greenhouses available from E.F. Hodgson. Prices are given with descriptions, photographs and floor plans. The business address in Boston is at 1108-1110 Commonwealth Avenue. There is an outdoor exhibit...

Houses, camps and equipment, as prefabricated by Hodgson, E.F. Hodgson Co., 1108 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston and 730 Fifth Avenue at 57th Street, New York

The catalog has houses and outdoor buildings such as play houses, bird houses, animal housing and greenhouses available from E.F. Hodgson. Prices are given with descriptions, photographs and floor plans. The business address in Boston is at 1108-1110 Commonwealth Avenue. There is an outdoor exhibit...

Hodgson portable houses, E.G. Hodgson Co., 71-73 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.

The structures shown in the catalog include houses, playhouses, livestock buildings and clubhouses. Hodgson has a factory and outdoor exhibit in Dover, Massachusetts. The New York show room is in the Craftsman Bldg., 6 East 39th Street, corner 5th Avenue, New York City. The item has a double page ph...

Catalog, Springfield Portable House Company, 50 Church Street, New York, New York

The busines manufactures all types of portable structures such cottages, garages, schoolouses, clubhouses and hunters' camps. There is a photograph of the factory in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Brochure for Shoppell's modern houses, no. 2, April 1886, Co-operative Building Plan Association, 191 Broadway, New York, New York

The brochure describes a new book of modern houses and carriage houses available to customers. It contains floor plans and full descriptions.

Pennsylvania Fireproofing Company, general office, Erie, Pennsylvania; factory, St. Marys, Pennsylvania

The item has photographs of residential houses and commercial buildings using the Company's fireproofing tile. There are commercial buildings on Boston's Fish and Commonwealth Piers,and residences in Brookline and Newton, Massachusetts.

Catalogue of practical books on architecture, building, carpentry, drawing and painting, Wm.T. Comstock, publisher, 23 Warren Street, New York, New York

The item describes books on architectural drawing, carpentry, interior decoration, masonry and sanitation.

Illustrated catalogue of books on architecture, carpentry & building, builder's level, etc., pocket edition, no. 19, July 1881, William T. Comstock, architectural designer & publisher, P.O. Box 560, 194 Broadway, New York, New York

Books and manuals on architecture, building plans, art, drawing, carpentry and church architecture are described. Comstock is the successor to Bicknell & Comstock.

Spring announcement catalogue of books on architecture, carpentry and building, painting and decoration, Wm. T. Comstock, publisher, 23 Warren Street, New York, New York

Books on architecture, perspective, masonry, inteior decoration, stair building, foundations and alphabets are described.

Circular for Palliser's American cottage homes, 2nd edition, Palliser, Palliser & Co., Bridgeport, Connecticut and 24 East 42nd Street, New York, New York

The new publication is described as having "50 designs of modern low priced cottages and workingmen's homes" and 260 drawings.

Brochure for Hussey's national cottage architecture, Orange Judd Co., 245 Broadway, New York, New York

The design plates for the title are described in detail. The verso has a list of other architectural titles with prices. The publisher has a new illustrated catalogue of rural books for the farm, garden and household.

New England homes of concrete construction, Edison Portland Cement Company, sales office, Post Office Square Building, Boston, Mass.

The item has photographs of houses in Massachusetts built with the concrete. The manufacturing process is described. The cover title reads" Architectural possibilities of concrete construction in New England homes made of Editson Portland Cement."

FĂȘte ChampĂȘtre at the laying of the corner-stone of the new piggery at Ridge Hill Farms, Wellesley, Mass., Saturday, June 19, 1875

The broadside describes a festival, created by William Emerson Baker at his Baker Estate, to celebrate a new pig house. It was meant to coincide with the Bunker Hill Centennial.

Billhead for H. & G.W. Lord, manufacturers of nets, seines and twines, 111 Commerial Street, Boston, Mass.

There is an illustration of the business premises on the billhead. Lord carries steamed tarred rope, corks, leads and cedar buoys. The business was established in 1867.

Billhead for W.F. Shaw's Patent Gas Cooking Heating Apparatus, stoves, 174 Washington St., opposite Bromfield Street, Boston., Mass., dated March 7, 1860

The illustration depicts the range of stoves, heaters and fittings the company manufactures.

Breakfast sets, Conant Ball Company, 80 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.

Breakfast tables and chairs in various settings are described in photographs with measurements.

By Jove, it's St. Valentine's Day, Penn the Florist, 124 Tremont Streetm, Boston, Mass.

The circular has suggestions for flowers, plants and a special Valentine. A trade card is included with the illustration caption "Ring in the new." The shop faces Park Street Church.

Trade card for R. Hollings & Co., manufacturers, importers, wholesale and retail dealers of artistic pottery lamps and fine gas fixtures, 547 Washington Street, Boston, Mass

Hollings is on Washington Street opposite the R.H. White & Company department store.

Trade card for Hazelton's Photograph Rooms, ambrotypes, 365 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

Hazelton specializes in portraits set in lockets, pins and fancy cases. Text on the card reads "Sick and deceased persons taken at their residences." The business premises are a few doors south of the Boston Theatre. The date "April 21, 1858" is handwritten on the card.

Trade card for Ladies' Shoe Polishing Parlor, 418 Main Street, Room 2, Worcester, Mass.

The image caption reads "This is where we shine." The business is located over the Addis & Adie Five and Twenty-Five Cent Store. A branch shop for men is at 643 Main Street.

Circular for Barrey & Bigelow, manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 31 Federal Street, Boston and Lynn, Massachusetts, February 25, 1846

The business now carries wide paper hangings and is expecting a shipment of French papers, borders and fireboard prints. The Lynn factory and Boston store are depicted in the illustrations. The postage stamp "Paid" is on the item verso.

Double duty filing equipment, counter height, illustrated & described, announcing the Low Vision office, the Shaw-Walker Company, Muskegon, Michigan

The catalog describes the "Low Vision" concept in office filing cabinets, counters and partitions. The line is carried by the Brown-Howland Company, 30 Federal Street in Boston.

Trade card for J.B.C. Woodcock, mercantile printer, 28 School Street, Boston, Mass.

The business is a stationer, printer and manufacturer of printed wrapping paper, bags, glove envelopes and patent folding boxes.