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Reclining stag among green leaves on a black semi-circular background.

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Side Chair

Black and yellow painted "thumb-back" Windsor side chair with a rectangular crestrail, two slats, four spindles, and a plank seat.

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Trinket Box

Cylindrical box with a flat bottom and top; the lid has a blue glass bead finial; the surface is mottled with brown and red.

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Trinket Box

Cylindrical box with a flat bottom and top; the lid has a blue glass bead finial; the surface is mottled with brown and red.

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Watering Can

Grain-painted tin watering can with an oval body, flat bottom, a haf hinged lid, spout, and two handles.

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Watering Can

Brass watering can with an oval body, flat bottom, quarter-hinged lid, spout, and handles at the side and top.

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End Table

Rectangular end table with a paneled top with conforming frame, four straight legs, and spade feet. One of a pair.

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End Table

Rectangular end table with a paneled top with conforming frame, four straight legs, and spade feet. One of a pair.

Ginger Jar

Turquoise bulb-shaped ginger jar with a small lip.

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Painted wooden settee with a rectangular crestrail, fifteen turned spindles, two stiles, and scroll arms.


Electrified lantern with a green bulbous shade, black conical top, and a diamond and star punched decoration.

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Wagon Bench

Rectangular seat set below. solid sides; 4 triangular brackets under corners

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Throw Pillow

Rectangular with a pattern of roses on a milled background.


Brown and mustard colored round vase that tapers at the base. Incised with Chinese figures.

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Jardiniere Base

Round wooden base with an opening at the center, molded and stained.

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Oil Lantern

Electrified lantern with a colorless cylindrical shade; wire frame; black mounts; circle and star punched decoration.

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Worked Stone

Aqua and white geological specimen with slag casing deposits.

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Worked Stone

Amber and brown specimen of rounded, polished petrified wood.

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Worked Stone

Green, rounded, polished malachite, veined.

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Worked Stone

Purple stone with an irregular shape; flourite with crystals.

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Rocking Windsor Settee

Thumb-back Windsor settee with four bamboo turned legs, turned stretchers, and rockers. Painted blue-green.


Electrified lantern with a green bulbous shade, black conical top, and a diamond and star punched decoration.


Oval plaque with bust-length relief profile of a man in military uniform and red robe; hand painted. One of a pair.


Oval plaque with bust length relief profile of a woman wearing a red robe with yellow trim; hand painted. One of a pair.

Food Storage Jar

Blue and gray jar with an indented bulbous form and a lid. Decorated with a foliated arabesque pattern and overall crackle in the glaze.

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Ginger Jar

Green and tan round jar that tapers at the base. Unglazed with an incised lotus pattern and bamboo carving. One of a set of three.

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Ginger Jar

Green and tan round jar that tapers at the base. Unglazed with an incised lotus pattern and bamboo carving. One of a set of three.

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Ginger Jar

Green and tan round jar that tapers at the base. Unglazed with an incised lotus pattern and bamboo carving. One of a set of three.

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Decorative Door

Rectangular door with two wrought iron strap hinges, elaborate scroll decoration, and a knob and latch. Painted green.

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Arched fanlight with molding and foliated spandrels. Painted blue-green.

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Rectangular fanlight with gold painted fretwork, a floral motif, and six lights.

Punch Bowl

Punch bowl with pink palette. Bowl has round tapering sides and a footed base. Painted scenes of mandarin figures at leisure. Interior has geometric and floral motifs.

Snuff Bottle

Amber brown bottle, flattened with bulge at shoulder; cap.

Snuff Bottle

Amber yellow; flattened with bulge at shoulder; cap; ivory spoon.

Tea Caddy

Turquoise tea caddy, square with straight sides and paneled sections with geometric patterns and a lid.

Wedding Basket

Carved and pierced eight-sided decorative ivory basket with handle. Decorative knop of a seated figure.

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Clear jade bowl, shallow with three legs and handles and a carved floral design.

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Goblet enncrusted with glass cut to look like gemstones, with a cover, and geometric and floral decoration.


Green and orange dragon head with a mottled glaze.


Green figurine of a standing Chinese man holding a fan.

Trinket Box

Box with a dark patina with traces of red with four ball feet and a lock.

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Brown and green vase with a bulb body and narrow neck with a decoration of cranes and trees.

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Terracotta statue of a standing Buddha.

Printed Picture

Hand-colored print of a woman sitting on a bed holding a baby surrouded by four children. Framed.

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Easy Chair

Easy chair with a bamboo turned base and pink quilted upholstery with a long ruffle.

Wall Clock

Banjo clock. Painted glass panels in base and neck. Painted panel in base has been repainted. New paint depicts a two-story house with a porch in a meadow. Neck panel depicts painted vine-like leaves in the shape of two figure-eights. White painted iron circular dial and black Roman numerals. ...

Dressing Table

Reproduction dressing table. Pine with burled walnut veneer. Dressing glass on splashboard. Serpentine front to frame with inlaid front rail. Contains one drawer that is nailed together. Construction of drawer and frame, along with pattern of reeding and the design of the dressing glass indicat...

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Oil Lamp

Oil lamp with a clear and purple cut and frosted glass pear-shaped shade on a square base with a ringed stem. One of a pair.

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Oil Lamp

Oil lamp with a clear and purple cut and frosted glass pear-shaped shade on a square base with a ringed stem. One of a pair.

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Pink, white, and gilt rectangular inkstand with a serpentine bow, scroll feet, and a penrest with flowers.