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This string of red and white glass beads with original brass rings at ends closes with a frayed pink silk ribbon tie.


Bead bracelet with white glass and wood beads covered in red and yellow netting; and a green glass drop


Silvered faceted black glass bead necklace strung on wire; clasp missing


String of black-tinted round wooden beads, individually knotted in place.


Gold-washed metal curb link bracelet with three large ball pendants (one missing).

Charm Bracelet

Gold curb link chain with six charms: 1) heart with pink stones set around edge and curl of blonde hair set under glass, 2) blue cabochon stone with gold foliate engraved setting, 3) pink square faceted stone set in silver, 4) white stone heart locket with white painted bow inscribed "TRIO JUNCTO IN...

Child's Armlets

Four blue silk ribbon baby armlets with blue and white beaded panels; one white silk ribbon baby armlet with purple and white beaded panel

Pair of Bracelets

Pair of matching vulcanite or hard rubber bracelets.

Pair of Bracelets

Carved wooden bead bracelets.


Gold hollow and chased scroll bracelet with attached stylized flower set with turquoises and seed pearls, flexible link chain with gold die stamped and chased scrollwork clasp and safety chain.


Coral bead bracelet; beads strung together and wound around textile core; gold-filled rounded terminals, chased with foliate design; gold and coral charm pitcher attached to one terminal.


Metal and brown glass bead bangle bracelet.

Belt Buckle

Rectangular white metal belt buckle set in two parts with pear shaped and brilliant cut steel beads on obverse; pierced holes along sides for stitching to material.

Knee Buckle

This oval knee buckle is set with a single row of round colorless pastes. It has a steel hinged chape and tongue.

Belt Buckle

Vertical rectangular rolled gold belt buckle with sulphide cameo at center, engraved floral design, cameo depicts male figure in Spartan style helmet; clasp fastener is hinged at bottom and clasps at top, four pronged tongue. According to the donor, this belt buckle was worn by her mother, Mrs. Oti...

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of paste oval shoe buckles, single row of alternating oval and round colorless pastes set in silver around gold colored metal band; steel hinged chape and tongue.

Belt Buckle

Vertical rectangular gilt metal belt buckle, plain center panel, pierced stylized lobed border; clasp fastener is hinged at bottom and clasps at top, vertical four pronged tongue.

Shoe Buckle

Brass rectangular shoe buckle, engraved vine design; brass hinged chape and tongue.

Shoe Buckle

Brass rectangular shoe buckle, bright cut engraving along border; brass hinged chape and tongue

Belt Buckle

Vertical rectangular belt buckle, painted colored flowers on black enamel, gilt metal floral border; fastener is hinged at bottom and clasps at top, hinged at center with four tongues.

Cloak Clasp

Brass wire hook and eye cloak clasp, hook has two fastening loops, eye has three fastening loops.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of matching silver rectangular shoe buckles with rounded corners, stamped x design with scalloped edge; brass hinged chape and tongues.

Stock Buckle

Silver rectangular stock buckle with four raised knobs to button on one end of the stock and four hinged teeth on the chape. The buckle is marked on the verso with the silversmith's initials.

Shoe Buckle

Brass rectangular shoe buckle, engraved circles and stylized waves on border; brass hinged chape and tongue.

Pair of Cuff Buttons

Pair of rectangular ivory cuff buttons each with two birds inlaid in mother of pearl, ivory post and circular guard on reverse.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of brass rectangular shoe buckles, large stamped bows applied to top and bottom, stamped x design along edge; steel hinged chape and tongue.

Belt Buckle

Vertically oriented rectangular belt buckle, gold and colored enamel floral design on black and white glass background, gilt metal scrolled border; clasp fastener is hinged at bottom with clasp at top and four prongs.

Cameo Brooch

This oval "lava" (soapstone)cameo brooch depicts a standing winged cherub holding a basket of flowers. The brooch is set in a plain gold frame and closes with a hinged pin and hook on the reverse. A cross-bar pin is attached to the back closure with a fine gold chain.

Belt buckle

Silver buckle with applied pierced scrolled foliate border; bar and hook enclosure on reverse.

Belt Buckle

Round shield shape belt buckle of faceted and riveted cut steel beads, wreath design on top and bottom, central motif of eagle with splayed wings, mounted on purple velvet ground and attached to metal backing, long bar and hook closure for belt on reverse.

Belt Buckle

Mother of pearl lady's waist buckle with carved leaf border around a cross-hatched center and raised buttons.

Waist Buckle

Mother of pearl lady's waist buckle with pierced star border around a cross-hatched center and raised buttons.

Belt buckle

Mother of pearl buckle with pierced star border around raised buttons.

Belt Buckle

Mother of pearl buckle with carved stylized flower design; two slits and pierced holes along the left side.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of silver rectangular shoe buckles with rounded corners, pierced border, engraved rosettes and facets; hinged chape with tongue.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of steel plain rectangular shoe buckles; chape chape tongue.

Belt Buckle

Vertically oriented rectangular belt buckle; overall design is a cartouche surrounded by scroll foliate openwork; clasp fastener is hinged at bottom and clasps at the top, vertical hinged chape and tongue at center.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of matching silver shoe buckles in two parts with monogram.

Stock Buckle

Vertical elongated oval silver stock buckle with stamped X's around edge; hinged chape and tongue at center with four studs along the outer edge.

Belt Buckle

Metal and rhinestone belt buckle, central motif in rhinestones is a swan among reeds; three bar loops on reverse.

Pair of Buckles

Pair of matching rectangular buckles with rounded edges, faceted jet stones around edge; hinged chape and tongue.

Pair of Shoe Buckles

Pair of matching oval paste shoe buckles; hinged chape fastener.

Knee Buckle

Oval paste knee buckle set in silver; hinged chape and tongue.

Knee Buckle

Oval shape paste knee buckle set in silver; steel hinged chape and tongue.

Knee Buckle

Oval shape paste knee buckle set in silver, stones surround a bezel of gold colored metal with bright cut oval design; hinged chape and tongue.

Pair of Knee Buckles

Pair of matching marquise shaped silver knee buckles, scalloped edged and engraved gadrooned design; hinged chape and tongue.

Shoe Buckle

Oval shoe buckle, pastes set in silver with applied die-rolled gold border surrounding a rectangle of die-rolled gold with flower design; steel hinged chape and tongue.

Knee Buckle

Horseshoe shaped knee buckle, square pastes set in silver; hinged chape and tongue.

Waist Clasp

Metal oval waist clasp in two parts, pierced rows with inset spikes with rounded heads, eye and hook clasp on reverse.

Waist Clasp

Pierced metal waist clasp in two parts, applied metal stylized flowers, brass wire flower in center; hook and eye closure.