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Textile Sample

Square cotton textile swatch with vertical narrow dark blue stripes on a light blue ground.

Textile Samples

Three square cotton textile samples stapled at top. All feature identical abstract repeating flower design in black and white, dark blue and gray, and beige and tan color combinations.

Textile Samples

Two square cotton textile swatches stapled at top. Both feature a repeating abstract floral design, one in a light and dark brown and the other in light and dark gray.

Textile Sample

Square cotton textile swatch with a repeating pink abstract floral design on a blue ground.

Textile Sample

Square cotton textile swatch with a repeating light blue abstract floral design on a dark blue ground.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile swatch with a repeating tan abstract floral design on a rose ground, one flower is in lime green.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile swatch with a repeating tan abstract floral design on a green ground.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile swatch with a repeating tan abstract floral design on a green ground.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile swatch with a light blue circle and dot pattern on a dark blue ground.

Textile Sample

Long narrow strip of cotton cloth with dark and light red geometric shapes on a crimson ground.

Textile Samples

Two triangular pieces of cotton textile with an overlapping bubble design in four different shades of blue. Selvage edge.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile sample with red black and white geometric pattern.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile sample with a patchwork floral design in purple, gray, and light and dark blue. Selvage edge.

Textile sample

Cotton textile sample with a patchwork floral design in black and light and dark gray. Selvage edge.

Textile Sample

Cotton textile sample of red wavy stripes of different widths on a bright blue ground. Selvage edge.

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Carpet Fragment

Wool carpet fragment, Wilton weave in diagonal lines of dark red dots on a rose ground.

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Wallpaper Printing Cylinder

Metal wallpaper printing cylinder with floral design.

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Wallpaper Printing Cylinder

Wood and metal wallpaper printing cylinder featuring a scrolling foliate design

Wallpaper Printing Cylinder

Wood and metal wallpaper machine printing cylinder with scrolling floral pattern.

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Wallpaper Printing Cylinder

Wood and metal printing cylinder with two bands of scrolling foliate.

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Wallpaper Printing Cylinder

Wood and metal wallpaper printing cylinder featuring a floral pattern with a trellis.

Wallpaper Wood Block

Wallpaper wood block with two stylized male figures.

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Wallpaper Wood Block

Wallpaper wood block with a scrolling floral and swag design.


Tapestry wallpaper fragment depicting a pastoral scene of a woman on a mule and a man plowing a field, various greens and beige on tan ground.

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Wallpaper Moldings Sample Sheet

Wallpaper moldings sample sheet featuring various styles and colors of wallpaper molding, most with gilt decoration.

Double Bed

Bed, double size, having horizontally rectangular headboard, large continuous-bead molding of scrolls details the serpentine outline, and top center cartouche of foliate carving. Beneath center book-match burl graining. Lower footboard repeats the headboard detail, counterpart base molding, with fre...

Gentleman's Dresser

Chest of drawers, vertically rectangular, having an overhang rectangular top, serpentine-shaped front and ovolo corners fitted with upper two horizontal short drawers, above four graduated long drawers, all with case continuous-bead molding surrounds having cast-metal pulls, scrolls and foliate deta...


Commode, having overhang serpentine-shaped top, ovolo corners, with molded edge. Two horizontal short drawers beneath, fronts with inner bead molding and continuous-bead molding surrounds, each with matching cast-metal foliate pulls. Beneath, two deep long drawers, serpentine fronts, continuous-bead...

Dressing Table

Dressing table, serpentine shaped with edge thumb-molding having concave center knee space, applied continuous-bead molding outline with center base carved scallop shell with scroll surrounds. Flanking banks of three graduated short drawers on each side, top serpentine drawers with bead molding surr...

Upholstered Bench with Arms

Bench with arms having low oval upholstered back, ivory ground brocade with pastel flowers and leafage show cover; applied carved C-scroll cresting. Curved dish-molded open arms above shaped molded arm supports and D-shaped upholstered slip-seat. Front seat rail with shaped lower edge; shaped front ...

Upholstered Chair

Boudoir chair, with boxed oval upholstered back, counterpart upholstery show cover, having D-shaped upholstered seat above straight front seat rail, scallop shaping lower edge. Cabriole legs with leafage carved French feet.

Pair of Nightstands

Pair of nightstands, each with overhang circular top, multiple continuous-bead edge molding above shaped aprons with machined rosettes. Four high slender cabriole legs, apron roundels above high leg low relief leafage carving and French scroll above rounded block feet.

Pair of Wall Mirrors

Pair of wall mirrors, vertically oval in shape, each having molded frame, bead-molding inner edge, and pierced foliate scrollwork cresting, center swags and ruffled shell detail; counterpart reduced pierced and carved base detail.

Pair of Modillions Mounted on Boards

Pair of wood modillions having carved scrolled acanthus leaves, painted white, both mounted to rectangular boards

Hope Chest

Rectangular cedar hope chest with veneered surface, serpentine stepped molding at front, single drawer at bottom front, and four bracket feet. Lid hinged at back, single shelf with three sections lined with green felt under lid.


White cotton crocheted bedspread with an interlocking diamond pattern with pink and multicolored rosettes, zigzag shaped edge with cotton fringe on three sides.


Round tan cotton crocheted doily consisting of seven circles, one in center and six sewn around the center circle.

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Cloth Fragment

Triangular shaped cotton cloth fragment in dark brown with light brown vertical stripes and red and beige diamonds.

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Green and white silk ribbon tied in a bow.

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Two patterns cut out of the 1870 Portland, Maine newspaper.

Lighting Device

Wooden rectangular candle box painted green. Slide lid with three semicircle shaped finger grooves.

Dinner Forks

Set of four dinner forks with pointed oval handles and four tines.


Set of four dinner forks with pointed oval handles and four tines.

Dinner Fork

Silver dinner fork with pointed oval handles and four tines.

Dinner Knife Blade

Silverplated dinner knife blade, missing handle.

Dinner Knife Blades

Pair of silver dinner knife blades.

Dinner Knife Blades

Pair of silver dinner knife blades with a broken bone handle.

Dinner Knife

Silver dinner knife with a plastic handle and a rounded blade.

Knife Handle

Rectangular bone knife handle.

Butter Knife

Silver butter knife with an upturned oval handle and a curved blade.