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Trunk with Wallpaper Lining

Small black leather covered rectangular trunk with round hinged top, edged in red leather with brass tacks, yellow painted lines on front, back and cover, inside lined with block printed wallpaper with white and green scrolling flowers on a light blue ground (2001.118.2).

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Six Packages of Victrola Needles

Six packages of victrola needles, four paper packages and two tin boxes.

Silk Damask Sample

Large fragment of blue damask with floral pattern.


Large piece of woven cotton in light and dark beige with a floral and grape leaf pattern.

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Table Mat

Woven wool table mat to look like small oriental carpet with a red, blue and green geometric pattern and fringe on both ends.

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Child's Dress

White cotton child's nightgown with floral embroidered short sleeves, gathered neckline, and floral lace decoration at front.

Pair of Women's Drawers

White cotton women's underwear with floral lace trim along bottom of each leg.


Unfinished needlework on bristol board, Gothic script in various shades of red and pin "Friendship / Love / and / Truth" edged with green scrolling foliage.

Needlework Pattern

Bristol board needlework pattern with unfinished needlework. Printed on front in black ink in old English script "The Old / Oaken Bucket." Image of a well with bucket resting on top. Ground around well has been partially embroidered with green yarn, steel needle is still attached.

Needlework Pattern

Bristol board needlework pattern. Printed inscription "ABSENT / But Not Forgotten." Two roses on each side of inscription with a chain of ivy that forms a cartouche at center.

Needlework Pattern

Bristol board needlework pattern. Printed inscription "Simply / To Thy / Cross I Cling." With fern leaves and a cross at center.

Garment Drafting Machine with Instruction Manual

Garment drafting machine in original brown leather covered box, instruction book, four steel rulers and one wooden ruler inside box.

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Box of Vinyl Brick Wall Panels

Bright green box of six vinyl wall panels imitating red brick.

Salt Spoons

Pair of silver salt spoons. Antique pattern with an oval bowl.

Salt Spoon

Silver salt spoon with scallop-shaped bowl and rectangular handle.

Dinner Knife

One of a set of four. Silver dinner knife with a dimensional handle and a rounded blade. Foliate design.

Dinner Knife

One of a set of four. Silver dinner knife with a dimensional handle and a rounded blade. Foliate design.

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Pair of Magic Lantern Slides

Pair of wooden magic lantern slides one set with a lens of a painted image of George Washington resigning his commission and the second is set with a painted image of Benjamin Franklin being presented to the King of England.

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Necktie Form

Metal necktie form in the shape of an elongated triangle.

Bas-Reliefs of Pilgrims

Four copper bas-reliefs set on a green velvet board depicting the Pilgrims spotting land, signing the Mayflower Compact, landing on land, and meeting with the Native Americans.

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Peter Rabbit's Race Game

Board game entitled "Peter Rabbit's Race Game" in original box with game board, four lead playing figures of Peter Rabbit, Squirrel Nutkin, Jeremy Fisher, and Jemima Puddle-Duck, cup with small die, rules sheet, and original box.

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Bed Hanging Tiebacks

White cotton bed curtain tiebacks each consists of two twisted rope loops tied in a knot at center with two tassels with ball ends.

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Train Set

Electric train toy set including two orange passenger cars and one green engine car, seven pieces of curved track, an electrical semaphore, two light bulbs in cases, two square signal changers, two electrical components, a box of connecting ties, and a key.

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Drawing of Lyman Estate

Pencil drawing on paper of the front of the Lyman Estate surrounded by various trees, plain gilt wooden frame.

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Drawing of Woman

Pencil drawing on paper of an older woman wearing a brooch and veil, gilt wood frame with incised black painted line around edge.

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Wood and Paper Animal Figures

Cuban cigar box filled with forty-two painted wooden, paper, and metal figures of various types of farm and exotic animals including geese, ducks, horses, cows, dogs, sheep, and goats, lions, tigers, and bears. Also includes a small green metal watering can and two glass candle holders.

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Turkey Figurines

Thirteen paper mache and plastic turkey figurines of various sizes.

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Four Paper Mache Turkeys

Four paper mache turkeys on round paper pedestals with flower borders.

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Paper Mache Egg

Red paper mache box in the shape of an egg, each side has a picture of a young girl holding flowers and a letter, inside is lined with a paper doily, purple shredded paper and three fuzzy toy chicks.

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Window Mirror

Window mirror, two mirrors at a right angle encased in painted black and gold metal frame with a curved back.

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Gutter Fragment

Fragment of wood gutter, white paint on exterior side, large metal bent spike painted white stuck through on right side.

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Mortar Sample of Chimney

Sample of mortar from the chimney at the Eleazar Arnold House.

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Portico fragments

Eight wooden fragments from the Samuel McIntire portico at the Lyman Estate in Waltham, Mass. Some have remnants of white paint.

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Capital Fragments from Porch

Two wooden fragments with white paint remnants from the capital of the front porch at Merrell Tavern in South Lee, Mass.

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Shutter Dog

Iron nail with s-shaped iron attachment.

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Fence Fragments

Two wood fragment of molding from a fence originally located at the Alexander House in Springfield, Mass.

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Window Sash Fragments

Three wooden window sash fragments with brown and gray paint remnants.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Large-scale sprays of roses with stems and leaves. Printed in three pinks, mauve, maroon, and three greens on white polished ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Diaper pattern composed interconnected jagged edge squares. Printed in violet and grey on a polished white ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Large-scale, baroque, floral pattern with scrolling foliage and berries printed to look like cut velvet. Printed in two shades of crimson on a red ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Woven cross-hatch pattern in white on a dark gray ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Urn with floral bouquet with floral trails, swags and scrolling foliage. Printed in two pinks, mauve, yellow, brown, two blues, and three greens on a cream grosgrain ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Mixed flower bunches with scrolling foliage and swags. Printed in beige, peach, brown, crimson, and four greens on a glossy cream ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Vertical stripes. Stylized flowers repeat vertically on stripes which alternate with stripes bearing an egg and dart pattern. Printed in white and gold on a glossy cream ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Bouquets of mixed flowers. Printed in three greens, two pinks, two yellows, and brown on a white background.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Floral bouquets over creeping branches covered in small flowers. Printed in two pinks, two purples, two browns, three greens and white on a green ground imitating grosgrain.

Wallpaper Sample

Unused wallpaper sample. Design consisting of dice, dominoes, playing cards, hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs. Block printed in red, black, white, blue, tan, and gold on a dark brown ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Large flowers and foliate over a stylized floral damask pattern. Imitates a textile. Printed in pink, crimson, mauve, peach, white, yellow, and four greens on a beige background.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Large floral of poppies and chrysanthemums. Imitates a textile. Printed in red, brown, pink, white, mauve, blue, and two greens on a tan ground.

Unused Wallpaper Sample

Unused sample. Stylized flowers with scrolling foliage. Block-printed in peach, yellow, brown, green and blue on an off-white ground.