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Bulbous body kettle with flattened skirt and flared rim with three small triangle ears and a lid.

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Andirons in the shape of dancing dogs with rectangular log supports and triangular log stops. One of a pair.

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Treen Scoop

Natural finish scoop with an oval bowl, a shallow well, rounded. shoulders, and a handle.

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Andirons in the shape of dancing dogs with rectangular log supports and triangular log stops. One of a pair.

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Spade shaped bead with faint floral decoration and a rectangular shaft bent at the top.

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Basting Spoon

Spoon with an oval bowl, a rectangular handle that flattens at the top and ends in hook.

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Skimmer with a deep, circular bowl, a flattened handle bent into a hook, and decorative lines. Part of a set.

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Ladle with a deep, circular bowl, a flattened handle bent into a hook, and decorative lines. Part of a set.

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Square skimmer with a flat pierced head, flattened rectangular handle, bent in hook at the top.

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Black and red painted barrel with bent strap construction and a hole with wooden stopper.

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Spade shaped sides with a black leather accordion bag and an elongated nozzle.

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Straw Bonnet

Straw bonnet with alternating rows of woven bands of diagonal stars and scallops.

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Fireplace Shovel

Deep rectangular pan with pierced holes and a cylindrical handle with a ball finial.

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Skimmer with a circular pierced bowl, a cylindrical shaft flattened at the top and bottom, and a hook at the top.

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Balance Scale

Balance scale with a crude base and a rectangular shaft with a straight arm, one platform, and one scoop.

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Food Storage Jar

Gray ceramic jar with a cylindrical body, rounded shoulders, wide mouth, and abrown lining.

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Butter Churn

Tan and black cylindrical body with ear handles at the sides, a wide mouth, and a hummingbird decoration.

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Brown glazed bulbous body missing its neck and handle.

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Water Pitcher

Buff and black circular base that tapers at the middle with a wide mouth, spout, handle, and floral decoration.

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Mixing Bowl

Red-brown circular bowl with flared sides, ear handles, a rounded lip, and red speckled interior.

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Redglaze with a circular molded form and notched edge.

Food-storage Jar

Dark brown footed jar with a bulbous body, mouth with a flange, and a missing cover.

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Dark brown and red pear shaped jug with a bulbous body, foot ring, strap handle, and stopper.

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Orage, buff, and brown circular base, bulbous body with a domed pierced top and seaweed decoration.

Butter-working Bowl

Red and brown cylindrical bowl with strap decoration, c-handles at rim broken off

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Food-storage Jar

Brown jar with a bulbous body, unglazed foot ring, circular mouth;, and a mottled glaze.

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Milk Pan

Olive green and yellow pan with; circular, straight sides, a round lip, and yellow patches.

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Cream Pitcher

Bulbous footed body with a chocolate brown and mottled orange glaze and replacement cover.

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Serving Dish

Orange-red dish with four yellow slip trails, a leaf and sprig decoration, and a notched edge.

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Dark brown jug with a bulbous form, circular foot, and a strap handle.

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Food-storage Jar

Brown jar with dark brown speckles, cylindrical with foot, a slanted shoulder, and a wide mouth with a lip.

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Milk Pan

Green-brown circular pan with straight flared sides, a rolled lip, and unglazed exterior.

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Bulbous orange-red crock with a coggle-wheel band at the shoulder, a spout, strap handle, and lid.


Red-brown coffeepot with a bulbous body with a circular foot, a strap handle, spout, leaf decoration, and a lid with a knob.


Red and brown colander, footed, deep curved sides, flattened. rim, and pierced stars.

Serving Dish

Red and yellow glaze with a decoration of pine trees and musical notes with notched edges.


Red-brown glazed footed coffeepot with a bulbous body, beaded central band, spout, handle, and lid.

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Light green circular bucket with stave and strap construction, a swing handle, and a lid.

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Storage Basket

Natural finish round basket with applied ears and a bale handle with nail and strap construction.

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Grain Measure

Round grain measure with straight sides, strap and nail construction, and a handle.

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Treen Scoop

Natural finish wooden shovel-shaped scoop with a shallow recess and oval handle.

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Treen Scoop

Natural finish wooden rectangular scoop with rounded shoulders and a pierced handle.

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Rectangular funnel with canted sides, a hole in the bottom with a wooden spout, painted red with nails.

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Hand Press

Two rectangular planks with metal teeth joined by a wooden bolt with a cylindrical handle. Painted red.

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Tea Canister

Round tea caddy with a canted neck and painted decoration.

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Tea Canister

Round tea caddy with a sloping neck, circular top, and floral painted decoration on a black ground.

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Tea Canister

Round ea caddy with a canted neck, circular top and lid, and red painted floral decoration on black ground.

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Cylindrical body with a flat foot and flat circular handle.

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Sugar Shaker

Round sugar shaker with a circular pierced top, red and ochre decoration on black ground, and a small circular handle.

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Sugar Shaker

Cylindrical sugar shaker with a molded foot, ear-shaped handle, domed circular pierced lid, and painted floral decoration on a black ground.