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Cup Plate

Amethyst-colored glass cup plate with a scalloped edge, plain rim, and starburst base.

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Cup Plate

Opalescent glass cup plate with a scalloped rim, eleven hearts, a quatrefoil base, and a cable foot ring.

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Cup Plate

Clear glass cup plate with a scalloped rim with thirteen hearts and a quatrefoil center.

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Cup Plate

Clear glass cup plate with a large scalloped rim with thirteen hearts, a quatrefoil center, and a foot ring.

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Cup Plate

Medium blue cup plate with a scalloped edge with the bust of a man on the base and a horn of plenty on the side.

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Light green glass plate with a twelve-sided edge, paneled brim with alternating flowers and starbusts.

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Light aquamarine glass plate with rows of stars on the rim and leaves over rays at the center.

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Light green glass plate with a scalloped rim, pointed arches, and a checkerboard base.

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Sauce Dish

Amethyst-colored glass sauce dish with a star on the base and panel and dart decoration on the sides. One of a set of five.

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Sauce Dish

Amethyst-colored glass sauce dish with a star on the base and panel and dart decoration on the sides. One of a set of five.

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Sauce Dish

Amethyst-colored glass sauce dish with a star on the base and panel and dart decoration on the sides. One of a set of five.

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Sauce Dish

Amethyst-colored glass sauce dish with a star on the base and panel and dart decoration on the sides. One of a set of five.

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Sauce Dish

Amethyst-colored glass sauce dish with a star on the base and panel and dart decoration on the sides. One of a set of five.

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Cup Plate

Light yellow glass cup plate with a wide scalloped rim and scrolls and double dots in a checkerboard pattern.

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Cup Plate

Opalescent glass cup plate with a heart border, scalloped rim, and quatrefoil center with a cabled ring. One of a pair.

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Cup Plate

Opalescent glass cup plate with a heart border, scalloped rim, and quatrefoil center with a cabled ring. One of a pair.

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Cup Plate

Pale yellow and green glass cup plate with a scalloped edge, a man's bust on the base, and a horn of plenty on the sides.

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Round clear glass plate with pink threading on the back and a rayed well.

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Mirror Knob

Round, black mirror knob with stamped brass quatrefoil over black metal.

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Circular tieback knob with cobalt glass at the center and red and yellow cord hanging from a barss shaft.

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Mirror Knob

Amber-colored glass round knob with a star motif and brass trim.

Gardener Figurine

Multi-color figurine of a man holding a shovel under a blooming tree.

Ornamental Goblet

Carved whale's tooth goblet with a spearhead-edged lip and turned baluster stem. One of a pair.

Ornamental Goblet

Carved whale's tooth goblet with a spearhead-edged lip and turned baluster stem. One of a pair.

Band Box

Small box made of whale panbone with a lid with a pierced gallery and an incised decoration of a Federal-style building, a tomb, and a farm.

Allegory Picture

Engraving of two seated women in long gowns holding a lyre, pen, and letter case. Framed.

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Dished base with a thumb rest on the handle, a baluster stem, and a cylindrical socket.

Hooked Rug

Hooked rug with an oval medallion of red, tan, blue, and lavender flowers with a floral chain border on gray ground.

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Bed Warmer

Oval pan with a domed lid that is stamped with a floral and geometric design and a flat handle with a hook.

Morning Picture

Mourning painting of an exterior scene with a woman holding a baby standing at a gravesite with an urn, a willow tree, and lambs. Framed.

Map of Mount Vernon

Map of George Washington's Land at Mount Vernon. Includes text and engravings depicting the life of George Washington and locations on his estate. Framed.

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Electrified Lantern

Electrified lantern with a painted and pierced tin conical chimney, clear glass spherical shade, and a loop handle.

Girl Figurine

Ceramic figurine of a girl wearing a blue jacket and a hat, holding a black and white spotted dog. One of a pair.

Boy Figurine

Ceramic figurine of a boy wearing a blue coat and yellow hat, standing with a black and white spotted dog. One of a pair.

Shipwrecked Sailor Figurine

Multicolor ceramic figurine of a sailor laying on rocks with a shipwreck behind.


Print of Mont Saint-Michel, France surrounded by a stormy sea with a small sailboat. Framed.

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Print of a large trellis viewed from the inside with floral vines and people in the foreground. Framed.

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Electrified Gas Lamp

Red lamp with gold trim, a cylindrical shaft, and a flared shade with floral motifs.


Scenic wallpaper with an Asian couple alternating with birds of paradise, flowers, and clouds on a tan ground. Installed in the Central Hall at Beauport, the Sleeper-McCann House in Gloucester, MA.

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Circular plaque covered with red fabric affixed to wall with a key nailed at the top.

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Toy Sock

One red, knee-high sock with a shaped toe and heel pinned to a piece of paper with provenance.

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Letter, written in script with two paragraphs relayed between the addressee and Ms. B.

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China Cabinet

China cabinet with gothic muntins over two hinged doors.

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Top of document has a photograph of a silver chalice; middle text outlines provenance of portraits; bottom has a photograph of a silver sweetmeat dish.

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Clear glass vase with a round base, wide flared mouth with flutes, etched flowers, and traces of gilding.

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Set of Marbles

Set of clear glass marbles with red, green, yellow, or blue centers.

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Square, faceted, clear glass inkwell missing its lid.

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Clear drinking glass with a round base, reel stem, and flared body.

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Rectangular shelf with a scroll support and drop finial, painted black. One of a pair.

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Rectangular shelf with a scroll support and drop finial, painted black. One of a pair.