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Rectangular doorplate with ogee ends and floral designs stenciled on a black background. One of a pair.

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Rectangular doorplate with ogee ends and floral designs stenciled on a black background. One of a pair.

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Medium blue glass doorknob with a round flat top and brass trim. One of a set of five.

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Medium blue glass doorknob with a round flat top and brass trim. One of a set of five.

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Medium blue glass doorknob with a round flat top and brass trim. One of a set of five.

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Medium blue glass doorknob with a round flat top and brass trim. One of a set of five.

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Medium blue glass doorknob with a round flat top and brass trim. One of a set of five.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a pair.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a pair.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Opalescent round glass doorknob with a floral motif. One of a set of six.

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Clear glass in a rectangular wooden frame with a four-point diamond and fan motif set into a door. One of a pair.

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Clear glass in a rectangular wooden frame with a four-point diamond and fan motif set into a door. One of a pair.

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Opalescent and white glass window in a wooden rectangular frame with a circle and starburst motif set into a door. One of a pair.

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Opalescent and white glass window in a wooden rectangular frame with a circle and starburst motif set into a door. One of a pair.

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Sixteen green bull's eye glass lights in muntins green on one side, brown on the other.

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Fielded panels with an arched alcove and dentil molding. Painted dark brown.

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Doorplate with scalloped ends and multicolor and gilded floral designs. One of a set of three.

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Doorplate with scalloped ends and multicolor and gilded floral designs. One of a set of three.

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Doorplate with scalloped ends and multicolor and gilded floral designs. One of a set of three.

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Cup Plate

Blue cup plate with a smooth rim, peacock eye pattern on the rim, and a starburst center.

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Cup Plate

Cup plate with a shallow well, flat brim, and molded rim.

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Cup Plate

Circular cup plate with a small lip.

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Cupboard with two open shelves above three drawers and two panelled doors.

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Pipe Rack

Stained pipe rack with one drawer and a crest with a nail hole.

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Spoon Rack

Stained spoon rack with a rectangular well, and arched top, and an inverted heart-shape.

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Candle Box

Rectangular box with an attenuated arch, a rear plank, and a circular hole.

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Windsor Armchair

Bow back armchair with baluster legs and a cushion with a red and green geometric print.

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Dough Trough

Brown, rectangular trough with canted sides and extended ends.

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Boston Rocking Chair

Rocking chair with a Windsor base. Blue quilted canvas cushion. With the exception of the rockers, traces of black, green, and yellow paint appear throughout.

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Oval top footstool with four legs and four stretchers stained brown to imitate bamboo. One of a pair.

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Oval top footstool with four legs and four stretchers stained brown to imitate bamboo. One of a pair.

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Writing-Arm Chair

Comb back chair with a drawer beneath the writing arm with a red-brown finish.

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Red with brown mottled decoration, footed, spout, three band neck, and a replacement lid.

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Serving Dish

Oval dish with a shallow well, notched edge, red glaze with three yellow lines.

Serving Dish

Red and yellow dish with a deep circular body, notched edge, and wavy line decoration.

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Serving Dish

Red and yellow dish with brown speckles, a notched edge; crow's foot and dot decoration.

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Milk Pan

Red glazed pan with straight canted sides, a rolled lip, and decoration of brown speckles and splotches.

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Serving Dish

Tan and yellow dish with squiggle decoration and a coggled edge.

Pudding Mold

Red dish with a dark brown border, ring shaped with a spiral pattern, and a open center post.

Serving Dish

Red and yellow dish with slip trail glazing with a wavy line decoration and a notched edge.

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Serving Dish

Red dish with yellow slip trail decoration of two wavy lines alternating with two straight lines and a notched edge.

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Serving Dish

Brown dish with yellow slip wavy lines, dark brown speckles; circular with plain edge

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Serving Dish

Red and yellow dish with a notched edge and a slip trail decoration with a sprig motif.

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Deep pointed bowl with a rectangular shaft and rounded handle.


Yellow and brown rounded rectangular dish with slip stripes.