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Displaying: 178351 - 178400 of 209,101

Watch Fob

Gold oval buckle with floral and scroll engraving on black silk ribbon, gold watch clip on end.

Watch Cocks

Assemblage of 25 watch cocks sewn to a white cotton ribbon.

Watch Cocks

Three decorative metal watch cocks sewn to a white cotton ribbon

Watch Cocks

Seven watch cocks sewn onto a white cotton ribbon.

Watch Cocks

58 metal watch cocks sewn onto a two pieces of red silk in a V-shape.

Watch Cocks

35 watch cocks sewn onto a thin pink silk ribbon.

Watch Cock

Watch cock with pierced and engraved floral and scroll design, engraved lion's face in center with a pointing hand above.

Watch Cock

Watch cock with pierced and engraved floral and scroll design, an engraved coiled snake at center.

Watch Cock

Watch cock with pierced and engraved scroll and floral decoration, grotesque mask in center, armor helmet with feather plume at top between flags.

Watch Cock

Watch cock with pierced and engraved scroll and floral decoration, eagle with splayed wings at center.

Watch Cock

Watch cock with pierced and engraved decoration, engraved urn at center with radiating fire design above.

Watch Cock

Elliptical shaped watch cock with pierced and engraved scroll design.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob with a scroll decoration above a hinged reversible rectangle set with a banded agate on one side and gold flowers under glass on the reverse.


Seal made a single piece of banded agate in a vase shape, end features a bird holding a twig in its beak in intaglio.


Carved bone seal with a rectangular mother of pearl end with the monogram "SSM" in intaglio.


Small round black glass seal with a side portrait of a man in intaglio, metal loop on reverse.

Watch Fob

Gold plated watch fob with engraved floral decoration and set with a round yellow topaz with a beveled edge, black silk ribbon attached.

Watch Fob

Brass watch fob wet with a dark stone oval seal with the monogram "FH" in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Gilt metal watch fob with foliate decoration, front engraved with the monogram "HBJ"

Watch Fob

Small brass watch fob with seal featuring a side portrait of a man and the word "LACKOE" in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Gilt metal watch fob with shell design above a reversible rectangular stone, one side is black the other is white.

Pair of Ornaments

Pair of purple marble ornaments in the shape of vases.

Change Purse

Purple net and gold bead change purse with two gilt metal rings with scrolling leaf design and two gilt metal tassels on each end.

Knife Handle

Lead knife that screws into a small handle with loop end.

Watch Key

Gold watch key with chased, repoussed and engraved floral decoration, set with a round amethyst with a beveled edge.

Watch Key

Gold watch key with chased and repoussed floral decoration set with a round amethyst with a beveled edge.

Watch Key

Gilt metal watch key with chased and engraved floral decoration and set with a round amethyst with a beveled edge.

Watch Fob

Gilt metal watch fob set with a beveled purple stone seal with the motto "NOT WORDS BUT DEEDS" in intaglio.

Watch Key

Gold watch key set with an oval opaque white stone with a beveled edge.

Handkerchief Ring

Gold handkerchief ring with black enamel Greek key decoration, gold chain attached.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob with chased and repoussed floral decoration set with a faceted yellow rectangular topaz.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob with chased and repoussed gold floral decoration set with a rectangular carnelian with rounded corner featuring in intaglio the seal of Josiah Quincy III (1772-1864).

Watch Fob

Rose gold watch fob set with an oval orange colored carnelian with Harrison Gray Otis's monogram and family crest in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob with chased and repoussed floral decoration set with a red carnelian seal with a thistle in center surrounded by the Scottish national motto "WHA DAR MEDDLE WI' MEI" [Who would meddle with me?] in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob set with a faceted rectangular amethyst seal with a griffin and the letter "N" in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Gold watch fob with chased and repoussed decoration, set with a beveled yellow rectangular stone seal with a single flower in intaglio.

Watch Fob

Watch fob in rose and green gold with chased and repoussed floral decoration and set with small red stones on each side, center is set with a beveled rectangular milk white stone seal with a square and the words "FRAE YE KEN WHA" in intaglio.


Pair of hatpins with lavender glass balls set upon an openwork gilt metal mount, four smaller balls on chains are attached from the top of the head and at the shaft.


Hatpin with turquoise glass ball head.


Pair of gilt brass hatpins with pink glass heads set in a crown shaped mount with twisted wire decoration coiled around bottom, each has two chains attached at the top and bottom of the head with faux pearls and brass tassels suspended from a gilt metal mount.


Pair of hatpins with blue glass balls set in a gilt metal petal mount, smaller ball on chain suspended from shaft.


Pair of hatpins with five turquoise glass balls set on a gilt metal leaf shaped mount, each has two chains of glass balls attached at shaft.

Set of Hatpins

Four silver filigree hatpins, all are set en tremblant, three with a single flower and one with a butterfly.


Three hairpins, one large one small, each have silver filigree flower heads.


Hatpin with a silver teardrop-shaped head of open scrollwork.


Pair of hatpins with large teardrop-shaped metal heads of scrolled openwork.


Pair of hatpins of large wooden balls painted with a red and gold scroll design.


Hatpin with round pink quartz head with a center band of faceted clear glass.


Hatpin with round pink quartz head with a center band of faceted clear glass.


Stickpin set with a round multi-sided green stone with gold colored metal tacks.