Gyrating fork; black telescoping handle; wall ring
Date: 1850-1874
Maker: unknown
Material: painting (coating), steel (alloy)
GUSN: 68914
Accession Number: 1969.1342.1
3 pronged "goth" fork; telescoping shaft, black handle; ring
GUSN: 68915
Accession Number: 1969.1342.2
Blue, white; apple shape, arched handle, domed lid; assymetrical floral decoration
Date: 1900-1924
Material: porcelain
GUSN: 68916
Accession Number: 1969.1437
Colorless; globular; flared, faceted neck; diamond cut stopper
Date: 1850-1899
Material: cutting (dividing), glass (material)
GUSN: 68917
Accession Number: 1969.1468.1
GUSN: 68918
Accession Number: 1969.1468.2
Colorless; globular faceted body; attenuated facet neck; diamond cut stopper
GUSN: 68919
Accession Number: 1969.1469.1
GUSN: 68920
Accession Number: 1969.1469.2
GUSN: 68921
Accession Number: 1969.1470.1
GUSN: 68922
Accession Number: 1969.1470.2
Colorls; rectangular; rounded should; facetd; screw silv top; star design
Date: 1875-1899
Material: cork (bark), cutting (dividing), glass (material)
GUSN: 68923
Accession Number: 1969.1471
Colorless; rectangular, rounded sides; footed; pitchd edges; elm leaf; monogram
Date: 1920-1939
Material: cutting (dividing), etching (corroding), etching (printing process), glass (material)
GUSN: 68924
Accession Number: 1969.1472
Colorls; bulb shaped, arched hand; small mouthed; stpr; lobe, x
Date: 1891-1914
Maker: Walsh (Maker)
GUSN: 68925
Accession Number: 1969.1472.1
GUSN: 68926
Accession Number: 1969.1472.2
GUSN: 68927
Accession Number: 1969.1472.3
Colorless decanter in globe form with an applied handle; narrow neck; metal stopper; oval vine motif
Material: etching (corroding), etching (printing process), glass (material)
GUSN: 68928
Accession Number: 1969.1474
Colorless; pear-shaped body; ringed neck; wide lip; stoper; lacy border, swag
Date: 1825-1849
Material: etching (corroding), etching (printing process), glassblowing, glass (material)
GUSN: 68929
Accession Number: 1969.1475.1
GUSN: 68930
Accession Number: 1969.1475.2
Colorless decanter with oval tap body and a ruffled collar, applied ruff, stopper.
Date: 1885-1914
Material: cork (bark), glass (material), blow molding
GUSN: 68931
Accession Number: 1969.1476.1
GUSN: 68932
Accession Number: 1969.1476.2
GUSN: 68933
Accession Number: 1969.1476.3
GUSN: 68934
Accession Number: 1969.1476.4
Colorless glass decanter with a circular flat body; applied handle; narrow mouth; applied collar; tear stopper
Material: glassblowing, glass (material)
GUSN: 68935
Accession Number: 1969.1477
Colorlesss glass with a circular canted body; tapered neck; collar; ball stopper; measure marks
GUSN: 68936
Accession Number: 1969.1478
Colorless; globular body; cylindrical cut neck; grapevine motif; metal collar, frog
Material: glassblowing, etching (corroding), etching (printing process), glass (material)
GUSN: 68937
Accession Number: 1969.1479
Colorls; cyll, wide mou; flat lid; cross, thumbprts, vertical facet
GUSN: 68938
Accession Number: 1969.1480
Colorls; cyll, wide mou; flat lid; diam, thumbpr mot; star onlid
GUSN: 68939
Accession Number: 1969.1481.1
GUSN: 68940
Accession Number: 1969.1481.2
Silver; tapered cylindrical body; bell-shaped cover, pierced top; flat lid, diam
Date: 1915-1929
Maker: New York Stamping Company (Manufacturer)
GUSN: 68941
Accession Number: 1969.1482
Tap cyllindrical base; bell-shaped cover with adjusted upper band, beaded motif
Material: stamping (forming)
GUSN: 68942
Accession Number: 1969.1483
Cylindrical body; taperd neck; globular spout; cane cover
Date: 1898
Maker: Possibly Schutz Marke (Maker (Maker, manufacturer))
Material: glassblowing, glass (material), steel (alloy), wicker
GUSN: 68943
Accession Number: 1969.1484
Square board; 15 blocks; black, white box
Date: 1880-1924
Maker: Gaulois (Manufacturer)
Material: cardboard
GUSN: 68543
Accession Number: 1969.2141
Red cross; red, green box; ceramic tile geometric puzzle inside
Date: 1890
GUSN: 68544
Accession Number: 1969.2142
Rectangular, hinged metal counters accompanied by numbers
Material: brass (alloy), paper (fiber product)
GUSN: 68545
Accession Number: 1969.2143.1
GUSN: 68546
Accession Number: 1969.2143.2
Light and dark bronze board with a hinged lid and rectangular bands with holes.
Material: brass (alloy), ivory (tooth component)
GUSN: 68547
Accession Number: 1969.2145
Blond; cylindrical, tapered neck, bulbous head
Date: 1875-1924
GUSN: 68548
Accession Number: 1969.2144.1
GUSN: 68549
Accession Number: 1969.2144.2
GUSN: 68550
Accession Number: 1969.2144.3
Blac, cylindrical game piece with a tapered neck and a bulbous head
GUSN: 68551
Accession Number: 1969.2144.4
Green, black, beige; square box; separate lid
Maker: J. E. Came & Co. (Manufacturer)
GUSN: 68552
Accession Number: 1969.2144.5
Rectangular parts; form greek cross
Date: 1900-1949
GUSN: 68553
Accession Number: 1969.2146
Black bridge card set with a rectangular case, two decks, a scorepad; and two pencils in the case
Date: 1885-1920
Material: cardboard, leather, paper (fiber product)
GUSN: 68554
Accession Number: 1969.2147
Black archarena game set with red and brown cylindrical rings, a rectangular box and rules
Maker: Archarena Co. (Manufacturer)
GUSN: 68555
Accession Number: 1969.2149
No description
Material: glass (material), paper (fiber product)
GUSN: 68556
Accession Number: 1969.2151
Red; double lily back; textured surface; red, yellow, black face cards
Maker: Thomas De La Rue & Co. (Manufacturer)
Material: printing (process)
GUSN: 68557
Accession Number: 1969.2152.1
Blue; double lily back; textured surface; red, yellow, black face cards
GUSN: 68558
Accession Number: 1969.2152.2
Red, white; mosaic motif
Date: 1902
Maker: The National Card Co. (Manufacturer)
GUSN: 68559
Accession Number: 1969.2153
Blue, white, mosaic motif
GUSN: 68560
Accession Number: 1969.2154
Black, white, and red dominoes in a brown, rectangular box, slide lid, white with lavender trim
Maker: Kendall & Co. (Maker)
Material: brass (alloy), ivory (tooth component), mother of pearl
GUSN: 68561
Accession Number: 1969.2155
Black game piece with hourglass-shape, one hole at each end with a box, function unknown
Maker: Frax (Manufacturer)
Material: brass (alloy), rubber (material), wood engraving (process)
GUSN: 68562
Accession Number: 1969.2156