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Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Dinner plate

Porcelain dinner plate with a white body, raspberry and gold banded edges and monogrammed "P".

Tea Bowl

Tea bowl with a white with a blue floral design that includes flowers, leaves, and grapes. Around the sides is a landscape scene that includes a castle and a waterway.

Tea Bowl

Tea bowl with a white with a blue floral design that includes flowers, leaves, and grapes. Around the sides is a landscape scene that includes a castle and a waterway.


Saucer that is white with a blue floral design that includes flowers, leaves, and grapes. Around the sides is a landscape scene that includes a castle and a waterway.


Saucer that is white with a blue floral design that includes flowers, leaves, and grapes. Around the sides is a landscape scene that includes a castle and a waterway.


Bowl with green lattice and orange crane decoration. Interior of bowl has blue and red detail.


Porcelain and metal plate with screw cap and two metal handles. Plate is white with painting of Dutch children.


Porcelain plate with rooster decoration and scalloped edge with blue trim.

Lamp chimney

Tall clear glass lamp chimney. At the base there is a faint green leaf like pattern that has faded. It has a bulbous shape to it. On the top there is an etched crown with it labeled Austria and Cristal underneath the crown.


Ceramic teacup with polychrome decoration of people and house scenes. Floral detail on handle.


Ceramic teacup, white with polychrome decoration of people and house scenes. Floral detail on handle.


Ceramic saucer with polychrome decoration of people and house scenes.


Clear glass vase with a star in the bottom and the edges are ribbed. It is bulbous shaped.


Ceramic saucer with polychrome decoration of people and house scenes. Floral detail on handle.


Small wooden box that has a handwritten note on the top that says "capo di mardi cup." The box is made of thin wood and is joined with dovetail joints. The lid slides on and off to the left.


Silver compote with handle. Compote is trimmed with floral and landscape scenic deocrations. Grape detail on handle.

Lamp chimney

Medium sized clear glass lamp chimney with a bulbous shape. At the top is an inscription that has large plumes depicted with a crown that says "Germany" under that it syas "Superior".

Lamp chimney

Clear glass lamp chimeny


Brass student's lamp with clear glass chimney and green glass shade.

Lamp shade

Green and white glass lamp shade that is A shaped.


Square, decorative ceramic tile; brown image, depicting a windmill in front of a river and sailboats, a fence, birds and clouds in the sky.

No image available

Pair of Chinese carved seals

Pair of square light gray soapstone seals with sitting fu dog carved on top. Chinese characters carved on bottom.

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Chinese carved seal

Square seal of dark and light gray soapstone with sitting fu dog on a pediment carved on top. Chinese characters carved on bottom.

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Chinese carved seal

Square seal of dark and light gray soapstone with sitting fu dog carved on top. Chinese characters carved on bottom.

No image available

Pair of Chinese carved seals

Pair of square white soapstone seals with three sitting fu dogs carved on top. Chinese characters carved on bottom.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.


Chased inkwell box with handle lid and second top lid. box is metal with floral details and lid (B) has scenic ingraving of a bird.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

Pole screen

Mahogany pole screen with tripod legs and pad feet.

Place card

Octagonal blue and white ceramic place card. There is a windmill and sailboat scene on the place card. It is trimmed in blue with a small rectangle in the middle for the name of the person.

No image available


Metal scissors with small rounded blades. There is a small handle on the one side. On the bottom of the handles is a small locking device. The scissors are rusted.

Address index

Small bronze metal directory. On the right side is a gold wheel and in the front is a paper that turns as the wheel turns. On the top of the paper is the alphabe and below is city and station, wave lenght, and dial readings.There are small round black feet on the bottom.


Chased inkwell box with handle lid and second top lid. box is metal with floral details and lid (B) has scenic ingraving of a bird.


Metal skeleton key with round head.


Lacquer box with painted gold stars and lid attached on hinges

Address index box

Small square cardboard box with light blue, black and orange colors. The box has pictures of the address index and a describtion of it on the sides as well as directions.


Silver pierced lampshade. The cutouts are of filigree and scroll work.


Lacquer box with cover with famille rose trays in interior. Box is black with gold floral deocrations and a gold bird with japenese print. Inteior trays are white with colorful floral designs.


Silver pierced lampshade. The cutouts are of filigree and scroll work.

Lampshade set

Paper lampshades with painted butterflies. A set of six identical shades. The butterflies are pink and slightly popped out. Both edges are coated in silver paint as well as some painted branches in the same silver.