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Displaying: 181751 - 181800 of 208,977

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Wht, turq, pnk; circular; solid border; mixed bouquet @ center

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Loop handle, hinged shaft with hook


Rectangular; brn ebonized trim; brkn scroll ped. with arched crst; urn f


Rectangular, white top; flank. towel rks, cent drawer; lwr opn shelf; turnedlgs

Dressing Table

Rectangular mirror with arched crst; round white top; drawer; fluted frnt legs

Chest of Drawers

Rectangular; white top; 4 graduating drawers; crnr pilasters, bun feet


Brkn pedim. hdbrd with arched crst, urn finials; ebonizd trim

Night Table

Rectangular night table with extend pilasters; white top; small drawer, lower compartment; ebony trim

Cosmetic Jar

Colorless; cylin, canted sides; circular top with floral border


Wht, green, gold; bulbous body, arched hndl, wide spout; fern motif


Wht, green, gold; curved sides, footed; fern motif


Wht, green, gold; bulbous body, arched hndl, wide spout; fern motif


Wht, green, gold; bulbous body, arched hndl, wide spout; fern motif


Wht, green, gold; oval, curved sides, u-shpd handles; fern motif


Wht, green, gold; footed, square hndls; pierced liner; fern motif

Toothbrush Holder

Wht, green, gold; oval, ridges in well, dome lid; fern motif

Toothbrush Holder

Wht, green, gold; oval, ridges in well, dome lid; fern motif

Toothbrush Holder

Wht, green, gold; oval, ridges in well, dome lid; fern motif

Toothbrush Holder

Wht, green, brown; oval, domed lid; white rose motif with border

Toothbrush Holder

Wht, green, brown; oval, domed lid; white rose motif with border


Wht, green, brown; footed, curved sides; white rose and border motif


Wht, green, brown; baluster shpd, loop hndl, wd spout; rose/brdr motif

Chamber Pot

Wht, green, brown; curved sides & handle; white rose and border moti

Punch Bowl

Polychrome; footed, crvd sides, swags, diaper & bird; famille rose


Polychrome; circular, shallow well, crvd sides; swags, diaper & bird et


Black; circular top, turned baluster; tripod human legs and feet. "Isle of Man"

Slant-top; Miniature Desk

Rectangular case, four drawers; two slides; upper compartments with two drawers; bracket feet


Yoke crst; urn splat; black figured seat, sabre frnt legs; raked bk


Bulbous stem, square base; four candle holders; swag motif; elaborate drops


Bulbous stem, square base; four candle holders; swag motif; elaborate drops

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Rectangular; white; blank; triangular flap

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Clothes Brush

Brown, black, ivory; large and small ovoid brushes with two groups of colored brist

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Trinket Box

Brown, pink, blue, green, and ivory box; rectangular with applied Japanese figures, food service, flowers

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank

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Letterhead Paper

Rectangular; white; blank