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Displaying: 182501 - 182550 of 208,977

Silhouette Portrait

Double hollow-cut bust length silhouette portrait set over black cloth of a man facing left. The details of his hair, collar and waistcoat were drawn in with ink and watercolor. Mounted in a wood frame.

Silhouette Portrait of Cornelia Cook

Hollow cut bust-length silhouette portrait set over black silk of a woman facing left and wearing a bonnet, mounted in a gilded molded wood frame.

Miniature portrait of Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson) Gaskell (1810-1865)

Miniature watercolor on paper half length portrait of a woman looking over her left shoulder, set in an oval brass frame with pendant loop at top.

Miniature portrait of Grace Aspinwall Bowen

Miniature watercolor on ivory of a half length portrait of a young girl facing front with long curls and a pink dress with a lace collar, mounted in a brass ormolu frame with twisted rope border and oval opening.

Silhouette Portrait of Thomas Hubbard Fayerweather

Silhouette of a young man in a gold frame.

Silhouette Portrait of Capt. George T. Fayerweather

Silhouette of a man with a mustache and hat in a painted black wood frame.

Silhouette Portrait of Thomas

Silhouette of a young boy in a painted gold wooden frame.

Silhouette Portrait of John Appleton Fayerweather

Silhouette of a man with a tall hat in a painted gold wood frame.

Silhouette Portrait of Man

Painted silhouette bust portrait of a man, framed in a large dark wood frame.

Miniature portrait of an unknown man

Miniature watercolor on ivory bust length portrait of man wearing a black suit, mounted in an oval gilt metal frame with pendant loop at top, mounted in a painted green molded wood frame under glass with black velvet mat.

Miniature portrait of Ellen Dean Ladd (1819-1847)

Miniature watercolor on ivory bust length portrait of woman wearing a red dress in front of red drapes, mounted in an oval metal frame with foliate border and pendant loop at top, all mounted in a painted green molded wood frame with red velvet mat.

Miniature Portrait of a Man

Miniature painting on ivory of a man holding a book, set in a brass frame with beaded and twisted rope borders.

Picture Frame

Oval ormolu picture frame with stand. Swag border and applied ormolu bow at top.


Hollow cut bust length silhouette set over black cloth of a woman facing right with a hair comb and wide lace collar, mounted in a molded wood frame. Hair details added in pencil.

Miniature portrait of Georgianna Poor (1849-1919)

Miniature watercolor portrait on ivory of a woman in a white off-the-shoulder dress and large hair pin on a blue background, mounted in an oval brass frame with twisted rope and beaded borders and applied bow at top.

Relief Roundels

Wood shadow box displaying thirty-six relief roundels (two missing) of classical figures and scenes.

Silhouette Portrait

Full length positive-cut silhouette portrait of man facing right holding a hat and cane, cut from black paper and set on white paper, sepia painted details for ground, mounted in a gilded wood frame.

Miniature portrait of an unknown man

Oval painted miniature portrait on ivory of a man facing slightly left, set in a red leather case (missing cover).

Sugar bowl

Red and white porcelain small sugar bowl depicting ribbons and garland.

No image available


Mahogany oval-shaped tilt-top candlestand in the Chippendale style with turned foot tripod and an object carved on the top of the stand.

Throw pillow

Needlework pillow with a floral design.

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Federal style mahogany sofa with carved crossed-arrow design on crest rail, carved arm rests, straight legs with block feet, blue upholstery fabric covering the back, sides, and seat.

Work table

Empire style carved mahogany sewing table. Two drawers with pedastal base. Leaf carving on urn shaped shaft. Castors on feet.


Round wood box that is engraved with a scene of General Cornwallis surrendering to General George Washington.


Brass candlestick with hexagonal base.

Bust of an unknown woman

Ceramic green yellow and blue bust of a woman.


Oriental cloisonne stirrup with a floral design.

Knife rest

Metal knife rest which represents angels engaging in a tug of war.

Table lamp

Oriental blue and white crackleware table lamp with two lightbulbs and one shade.

No image available


Ladderback armchair with rush seat. Spindle stretchers on front.

Bird figurine

Small jade bird with a curl on the head.


Small glass red and white bottle with animal pattern.


Brass clamp in the form of a bird.

No image available

Tea service

Eight-piece silver-plated tea service, marked with Hartford Silverplate Company pattern number "1411." Design of wild roses with five and three-petaled stylized flowers in Moorish-style divided band.

No image available


Silver Tray with handles

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Set of eight chair covers

Set of eight crewel work chair covers [six side chairs, two arm chairs]. Flowers, birds, berries, leaves, insects. Arm chairs show Tree-of-Life design; side chairs have paired scrolling woody vines. Stitches include satin, stem, French knot, cross, speckled, fly, diaper filling, blanket, chain.


Small stone bottle with flower relief pattern.


Small, square glass inkwell with cover.


Large, square glass inkwell with cover.


Cylindrical bronze humidor with cover. Carved cherubs design on humidor and cover.

Paper clip holder

Iron cobra shaped paper clip holder.

Miniature portrait of John Appleton (1739-1817)

Miniature portrait of John Appleton (1739-1817) of Salem. Rectangular wooden frame with small brass acorn on top.

No image available


Mahogany carved candlestand in the Chippendale style with a round top and pad foot tripod base.

Desk lamp

Desk lamp. Glass with diamond design and round metal base with four feet. Pleated lamp shade.

No image available

China cabinet

Mahogany china cabinet with a front glass door, glass sides, turned foot legs, and a carved design of a urn on the top.

Wooden figure

Small round wooden figure in three parts. Face painted on top piece.

No image available

Side chair

Mahogany side chair in the Chippendale style with a pierced splat, straight legs, and an embroidered seat.

Dog figurine

Brass dog in prone position.

No image available

Wall lamp

Wall lamp with two arms and glass shades with etched design.


Carved wooden cup on pedastal base.