Colorless; narrow base; overall thumbprint pattrn; tall stopprs
Date: 1880-1890
Maker: unknown
Material: glass (material), molding (forming)
GUSN: 66009
Accession Number: 1935.633.4
Colorlss; narrw base; overall thumbprnt pttrn; piercd screw top
GUSN: 66010
Accession Number: 1935.633.5
GUSN: 66011
Accession Number: 1935.633.6
GUSN: 66012
Accession Number: 1935.633.7
Young man with brown hair and a short beard; wearing a black coat, vest, and cravat.
Date: 1840
Material: canvas, oil paint (paint)
GUSN: 66013
Accession Number: 1936.317
Cobalt blue; bulbous body; stem, circular foot; diamond cut with central band
Date: 1825-1850
Material: cutting (dividing), lead glass, blow molding, glass (material)
GUSN: 66014
Accession Number: 1949.1107.1
GUSN: 66015
Accession Number: 1949.1107.2
Rectangular wooden case with a hinged lid; applied. tin strapping, fittings; blue with pink, yellw liner
Date: 1800-50
Material: iron (metal), oak (wood), pine (wood), tin (metal)
GUSN: 66016
Accession Number: 1942.1560
Rectangular sectn; rounded, hndpainted shldrs; round stopper; rectangular label
Date: 1800
Material: glass (material)
GUSN: 66017
Accession Number: 1942.1561.1
GUSN: 66018
Accession Number: 1942.1561.2
GUSN: 66019
Accession Number: 1942.1561.3
GUSN: 66020
Accession Number: 1942.1561.4
GUSN: 66021
Accession Number: 1942.1561.5
GUSN: 66022
Accession Number: 1942.1561.6
GUSN: 66023
Accession Number: 1942.1561.7
GUSN: 66024
Accession Number: 1942.1561.8
GUSN: 66025
Accession Number: 1942.1561.9
GUSN: 66026
Accession Number: 1942.1561.10
GUSN: 66027
Accession Number: 1942.1561.11
GUSN: 66028
Accession Number: 1942.1561.12
Cyl, straight sides; handpainted grapevine at rim
GUSN: 66029
Accession Number: 1942.1561.13
GUSN: 66030
Accession Number: 1942.1561.14
Circular foot; central knop in stem; grapevine at rim
GUSN: 66031
Accession Number: 1942.1561.15
Wht; glossy; oval, scalloped; dk. borders divide sctns; scns, lid
Date: 1780-1800
Material: stoneware (pottery)
GUSN: 66283
Accession Number: 1950.285
Wht; det. cast ornament; high domed cover, floral finial; 2handles
Maker: Possibly Castleford (Maker)
Material: casting (process), stoneware (pottery)
GUSN: 66284
Accession Number: 1950.286
Squat ovoid; brown, bl, green, tan; c-handl; bas relief hunting scns
Date: 1820-1830
Material: shell (animal material)
GUSN: 66285
Accession Number: 1950.300
Blue of white; scn; man with gun, 2 dogs, quail; wavy line border; circular
Date: 1875-1900
Material: pearlware, transfer printing
GUSN: 66286
Accession Number: 1950.315
Wht; pnk/copper dec; 4paneled form; squared c-handle; broad spt.
Date: 1800-1830
Material: earthenware, lusterware
GUSN: 66287
Accession Number: 1950.325
Bell shpd, short stem; molded horiz. ribbed cup; brn with copper
Date: 1820-1840
GUSN: 66288
Accession Number: 1950.329
Double belly, ring and reel stem, circular foot; white band with flowers on copper
Date: 1840-1860
Material: earthenware, lusterware, painting (coating)
GUSN: 66289
Accession Number: 1950.331
Waisted; upper. half blue with tan, rest copper; c-scroll handle; beaded
Date: 1830-1850
GUSN: 66290
Accession Number: 1950.332
Bulbous belly, straight waist; cast florals:ylw, crmsn, or, green
Date: 1850-1860
GUSN: 66291
Accession Number: 1950.333
Copper; bl. band; high domed cover, c hndl; low relief pastorals
Date: 1830-1840
GUSN: 66292
Accession Number: 1950.342
Marble glazed pink; copper handle, spoutt, collar; c handle; jug form
Material: earthenware, lusterware, marbling
GUSN: 66293
Accession Number: 1950.353
Black on white sugar bowl depcticing farm and passtoral scenes. Bowl has a beveled collar, lid with finial
Date: 1800-1820
Material: earthenware, transfer printing
GUSN: 66294
Accession Number: 1950.377
Rectangular sectn; flutd below, steppd shldr; lid; purpl, bl, red, gr. flrls
Date: 1795-1820
Material: creamware, painting (coating)
GUSN: 66295
Accession Number: 1950.376
C handl; lid; molded friezes & rope twists; def. shldrs; square base
Date: 1800-1850
Material: earthenware, molding (forming), painting (coating)
GUSN: 66296
Accession Number: 1950.383
Squared c-handle; slight bow; light blue bas relief scenes:green, brown, yellow, red
Maker: Wood & Caldwell (Maker)
Material: earthenware, lusterware, molding (forming)
GUSN: 66297
Accession Number: 1950.280
Bulbous body; straight cylindrical neck; bas-relief scenes; copper and pink
Date: 1810-1840
Maker: Possibly Wood & Caldwell (Maker)
GUSN: 66298
Accession Number: 1950.347
Wht; 4scrolled ft; lobed body; dolphin hndl; overall strawberry
Material: earthenware, painting (coating)
GUSN: 66299
Accession Number: 1950.384
White; domed cover; squard c-handle; fan-shape. florals; red, purple, yellow, green
Material: lusterware, porcelain
GUSN: 66300
Accession Number: 1950.385
Wht; straight cup, squard. handl, circular saucr; scalloped floral dc
GUSN: 66301
Accession Number: 1950.386.2
Circular plate, pink luster with copper tone; white with crimson and light green borders.
Date: 1880-1910
GUSN: 66302
Accession Number: 1950.497
Fancy oval shaped teapot. Band of English daises across center, blue and white stripes below.
Material: earthenware, molding (forming)
GUSN: 66303
Accession Number: 1950.514AB
White; squat; lobed; waisted foot; scalloped collar; blue, green, black, cream
Date: 1900-1920
Material: earthenware
GUSN: 66304
Accession Number: 1968.93
Brilliant cut; scallopd, rectangular; clear; diapered panls, fan, hobnail
Date: 1890-1899
Material: cutting (dividing), glass (material)
GUSN: 66308
Accession Number: 1986.902.1
GUSN: 66309
Accession Number: 1986.902.2
Straight sides; clear; rose stain; etched rim:grapevine
Date: 1860-1890
Material: etching (corroding), etching (printing process), glass (material)
GUSN: 66310
Accession Number: 1986.903
GUSN: 66311
Accession Number: 1986.904
Circular bowl, narrow tapering handle, hooked end
Date: 1900-1914
Material: copper (metal)
GUSN: 66312
Accession Number: 1986.905