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Tapestry patterned wallpaper fragment printed to look like flame stitch needlework. Provincals with floral wreaths alternating with hollyhocks. Printed in three greens, two pinks, and white on light pink ground. Straight match.

Wallpaper Border

Border fragment. Stylized flower (lotus?) in black flock outlined in orange on turquoise ground with three narrow grey stripes running horizontally.


Wallpaper fragment. All over grape leaf vine printed in green, tan and ochre on light blue-green ground with pin-dots.


Floral border. Roses printed in red, pink, and white with flocked green leaves and palm leaves printed in two greens and blue on olive flocked ground with black, red and ochre flocked stripe.


Wallpaper fragment. All over grape leaf vine printed in green, tan and ochre on light blue-green ground with pin dots.


Wallpaper fragment. Tapestry pattern printed to look like flame stitch needlework. Floral wreaths alternating with holly hocks. Printed in three greens, two pinks and white on light pink ground. Straight match.


Wallpaper fragment. Remains of foliate design in green on white ground. Pattern not discernable.


Wallpaper fragment. Blue rootlette of leaf veining on light blue ground. Pattern not discernable.


Wallapper fragment. Possible diaper pattern. Red and blue elements on unground paper. Design not discernable.


Wallpaper fragment. Tan and red on buff colored paper. No design discernable.


Border fragment. Overall floral pattern printed in maroon, pink, gold, yellow, green, tan on a green and tan ground.


Five fragments. Pineapple and sprig pattern. Pink, red, two greens and white printed on a blue ground.


Three fragments of floral wallpaper. Fragment A: 3" high, 17 3/4" wide. Fragment B: 3" high, 18 3/4" wide. Fragment C: 3" high, 7 3/4" wide. Red and ochre printed on a rose ground. Diamond shapes encase quatrefoil and floral elements, alternating with rosettes and sprigs.


Three fragments printed in red, white and black on an ochre ground. Diaper pattern and octagon vignettes with nosegay inside.


Wallpaper border fragment printed in two pinks, two browns, green, and white on an ochre ground. There is a twisted form which runs the length of the border and looks like cable moulding or ropework. Circular rosettes and thick jagged white lines are placed within the rope form.


Unused sample. Octagon with morning glories in lavender and white over a field of lavender ashlar blocks and alternating with maroon medallions framing lavender and white sprigs. Printed on grey polished ground. Straight repeat.


Fragment. Renaissance revival strapwork with flowers. Printed in white with dark grey, parallel lines and accented in green and over printed in darker green, parallel lines. On polished grey ground.


Floral vine with stripe of classical motifs. Flowers and vine printed in tan, brown, and green; stripe printed in two greys on polished white ground.


Fragment of floral sprig and stripe. Purple and white flower bunches in rows alternating vertically with rows of pink flower bunches; bunches and rows are separated by white and green sprig. Flowers are printed against grey stripes on a grey polished ground. Straight match.


Fragment. Vine and stripe. Wide stripe of undulating vine in varnish green with blue flowers alternating with narrow stripe of blue flower chain on a sky blue ground. Straight repeat.


Wallpaper fragment. Section of landscape figure paper that shows field pattern of small button-like circles, but not vignette. Printed in dark turquoise on light turquoise.


Unused sample. Pine cone in varnish green with three pinks bead swags over an orange and black Greek key. Printed on bright yellow ground.


Unused sample. Allover design of peonies, bellflower garlands, quatrefoils, looking ball and scrolls. Printed in imitation of tapestry. Printed in rose, Indian red, maroon, two greens, three blues, brown, raw umber, grey, white, and overprinted with black pin stripes on a taupe-brown ground.


Unused sample. Meandering chestnut boughs with chestnuts and blossoms entwined with a berried vine. Printed in two olive greens, burnt sienna, maroon, orange, lavender, mauve, and tan on a taupe ground.


Unused sample. Stylized Moorish design of tulips in horseshoe arches, geometric bands and flowers within foliated losenges. Printed in maroon, red, salmon, tan, brown, blue, blue-green, beige and metallic gold on an embossed, pink liquid mica ground.


Unused sample. Grisaille chrysanthemums, peonies and roses entwined with diapered scrolls and plasterwork brackets. Printed in two greys on unground paper.


Unused sample. Diagonally repeating foliate elements with berry pendants framed by metallic gold floral band. Printed in burgundy, green, brown, ochre, and metallic gold on an embossed ungrounded paper.


Unused sample. Allover, stylized, Baroque flowers and berries with diapered scrolling foliage. Printed in salmon and metallic gold on an embossed, green ground.


Unused sample. Stems of roses and lilacs entwined by a symmetrical foliate scroll tied with a ribbon. Printed in pink, pale yellow, olive green, tan, brown and taupe on an embossed, metallic green, imitation moire ground.


Unused sample. Repeating grid of brown foliate motifs against green, dashed chevron stripes on unground varnished paper.


Unused sample. Diagonally repeating grid of flower baskets framed and supported by foliate scrolls and connected by floral and berried garlands. Printed in brown, taupe, grey, cream and metallic gold on an embossed, pink ground.


Unused sample. Urn with flowers draped with beaded swags and supported by a tableture flanked by foliate scrolls with cornucopia terminals and draped with a fringed anthemion banner. Printed in tan, brown, and pale yellow on an embossed, Indian red and liquid mica ground.


Unused sample. Trailing foliate scrolls with berried boughs and diapered fields supporting bouquet of roses, lilacs and blue flowers. Printed in beige, ochre, tan, light blue, pink, rose, two greens, white and metallic gold on an embossed, grey ground.


Unused sample. Light blue and white poppies and wild flowers loosely arranged against an embossed, liquid mica ground.


Unused sample. Stylized flower surrounded by a flowering vine and overlapping rows of serpentine wave scrolls and floral medallions. Printed in two olive greens, Indian red, metallic gold on an embossed, green ground. Straight match.


Vertically repeating grisaille roses alternating with stripe of ivy and daisy vine. Printed in three greys and two blues on a grey ground. Straight match.


Unused sample. Repeating grid of red rose bouquets tied with a ribbon against a field of olive green, stylized sprigs on an embossed, green ground.


Unused sample. Large stylized flower stem entwined with a diapered ribbon on a field of 'V' shaped lines. Printed in maroon, ochre, black and salmon on a brown, unground paper.


Unused sample. Sprays of flowers loosely arranged against a field of pink moire stripes. Printed in maroon, two browns, white, Indian red, three greens, four blues, grey, ochre, yellow, salmon, and peach on an embossed, pink liquid mica ground.


Unused sample. Spray of stylized flowers framed by foliate scrolls with daisy fields and sprigs against a field of liquid mica stripes. Printed in pale yellow, yellow, tan, pink, mauve, light blue, and two greens on unground, embossed paper.


Unused sample. Repeating tile design of two birds perched on a flowering bough next to an Oriental urn with peonies. Tiles are separated by strapwork and elaborate rosettes. Printed in two greens, light blue, pink, salmon, brown, and beige on a white, varnished ground.


Unused sample. Allover design of floral sprays and wheat. Printed in olive green, maroon, light green and white against a metallic gold field on a tan ground.


Unused sample. Allover blue vine with white, daisy-like blossom printed on an imitation chambray ground.


Fragments. Pattern of roses. Printed in two blues, red, light green, grey-green on light pink ground.


Unused sample of border. Imitation textile, floral/geometric pattern. Printed in cream, pink, two blues, tan, brown, gold on grey ground. Textured paper.


Unused sample. Band of red flock above a row of plasterwork berries and leaves and below a row of plasterwork bead and reel moulding. Printed in two browns, ochre, red flock on a tan ground.


Unused sample. Embossed design of stylized pomegranates or pineapples with scrolling leaves in brown against an embossed field reverse printed in metallic gold. Straight match.


Unused sample. Distant views of a medieval castle framed by tree bough, roses and scrolling foliage. Printed in five blues, olive, tan, peach, pink, mauve and burgundy. Overprinted with a fine black grid on an embossed, cream ground. Straight match.


Unused wallpaper sample. Sprays of pink roses connected by blue ribbon draped with grey foliate garlands. Printed in three pinks, rose, five greens, two greys, and three blues on a grey ground. Straight match.


Unused sample. Diaper pattern formed by foliated mouchette framing stylized anthemion. Printed in two blues on an embossed, liquid mica ground.