Dk tarnish; rectangular with round crnrs, 4 cabriole legs, domd lid; 3 burn
Date: 1875-1899
Maker: unknown
Material: cotton (textile), pressing, tin (metal)
GUSN: 71929
Accession Number: 1969.4752
Marblized green; footed, bell-shpd bowl
Date: 1925-1949
Material: glassblowing, glass (material)
GUSN: 71930
Accession Number: 1969.4753
Colorless; circular foot, baluster & reel stem, long trumpet-shp by
Date: 1900-1924
GUSN: 71931
Accession Number: 1969.4755
Colorless; circular foot, double reel stem, trumpet-shaped body
GUSN: 71932
Accession Number: 1969.4756.1
GUSN: 71933
Accession Number: 1969.4756.2
GUSN: 71934
Accession Number: 1969.4756.3
Dark patina; footed, urn-shape, doubel handles; eight classical heads in relief
Maker: Barbedienne, F. (Artist)
Material: bronze (metal), casting (process)
GUSN: 71935
Accession Number: 1969.4757.1
GUSN: 71936
Accession Number: 1969.4757.2
Rectangular hinged top; panelled sides; upper cabinet with deep well; 4 drawers
Date: 1840-1865
Material: lead (metal), mahogany (wood), painting (coating), tulipwood (Brazilian, wood)
GUSN: 71937
Accession Number: 1969.4774
Rectangular; 3 upper, 2 lwr drawers; 4 side hndls; crnrs reinforcd; base
Date: 1835-1864
Material: brass (alloy), iron (metal), wood (plant material)
GUSN: 71938
Accession Number: 1969.4775
Black rectangular plant stand with wire sides, tubular legs, and curled feet; decorated with a diamond motif
Material: iron (metal)
GUSN: 71939
Accession Number: 1969.4776
Black semicircular plant stand with three gradual terraces, a lower tray; tubular form, curld feet
GUSN: 71940
Accession Number: 1969.4777
Rust, white, green; foot, circular curvd sides; bird & leaf motif
Date: 1924-1949
Material: earthenware, leaf (plant material), foliation (pattern), leaf (metal), slip trailing
GUSN: 71941
Accession Number: 1969.4987
Teal blue; circular, curvd sides, wide mouth; fruit & leaf handles
Maker: Longwy (Manufacturer)
Material: earthenware
GUSN: 71942
Accession Number: 1969.4988
Gld, brown; footed, balustr-shpd; sm pnchd spt, straphndl; striped
Material: earthenware, glazing (coating), tin glaze, tin (metal)
GUSN: 71943
Accession Number: 1969.4989.1
Gld, brown; footed, cylin body; sm pnchd spt, strap hndl; striped
GUSN: 71944
Accession Number: 1969.4989.2
Gld, brown; canted body, wide lip, strap hndl; striped
GUSN: 71945
Accession Number: 1969.4989.3
Turq, red, gold; circular, canteen shp, 4 ft; spread winged bird, crackle
Material: earthenware, enameling, overglazing
GUSN: 71946
Accession Number: 1969.4990
Gry, blue, green; baluster-shpd, pinchd spt, loop hndl; walking man
Maker: Quimper (Manufacturer) Hubaudiere (Maker)
GUSN: 71947
Accession Number: 1969.4991
Blue, white, gilt; footed, reel shaped body; cartouche, foliated
Date: 1885-1914
GUSN: 71948
Accession Number: 1969.4992
Colorless, red; ovoid tapering body, faceted & striped; monogramd
Material: flashing (glassworking), glassblowing, glass (material)
GUSN: 71949
Accession Number: 1969.4993
Blue, white, gilt; footed octagonal, dragon and cloud motif; turquoise well and interior
Date: 1900-1939
Material: porcelain
GUSN: 71950
Accession Number: 1969.4994
Rust, white, blue; shaped as upright carp in waves
GUSN: 71951
Accession Number: 1969.4995.1
GUSN: 71952
Accession Number: 1969.4995.2
Blue, white; hexagonal, piercd side panels, plum blossom border
GUSN: 71953
Accession Number: 1969.4996.1
GUSN: 71954
Accession Number: 1969.4996.2
GUSN: 71955
Accession Number: 1969.4996.3
GUSN: 71956
Accession Number: 1969.4996.4
Grn; deep circular saucer, loop hndl, brass collar
Material: brass (alloy), painting (coating), tin (metal)
GUSN: 71957
Accession Number: 1969.4997
Gray, blue, red, green; baluster-shaped, pinched spout, loop handle; peacock
Date: 1824-1849
Maker: Hubaudiere (Manufacturer) Quimper (Manufacturer)
GUSN: 71958
Accession Number: 1969.4998
Ivory, green, and gold vase with a circular foott, globular body, long neck, mask handles, bugs, flower
Date: 1896
Maker: Wedgwood (Manufacturer)
Material: creamware
GUSN: 71959
Accession Number: 1969.4999.1
GUSN: 71960
Accession Number: 1969.4999.2
Blue, yellow; curved sides, straight shoulder, wide mouth; three stripes, matte fn
GUSN: 71961
Accession Number: 1969.5000
Ivory, green; canted sides, wide mouth, upright lip, hndl; dots, strp
GUSN: 71962
Accession Number: 1969.5001
Blue, white, green; flattened ovoid body, four curled feet, floral sprays
GUSN: 71963
Accession Number: 1969.5002
Yellow, blue; baluster-shaped, narrow mouth, contrasting lip
GUSN: 71964
Accession Number: 1969.5003
Colorless; circular base, urn-shpd, faceted body, scalloped lip
Material: cutting (dividing), glass (material)
GUSN: 71965
Accession Number: 1969.5004
Red; globular body, straight lip; incised sunbursts
GUSN: 71966
Accession Number: 1969.5005
Colorless, blue; hexag base, trumpet shpd body; sawtooth lip
Material: cutting (dividing), flashing (glassworking), glass (material)
GUSN: 71967
Accession Number: 1969.5006
Blue, white, green; balustrade shaped, strap handle, standing man, woman farmer
GUSN: 71968
Accession Number: 1969.5007
Ivory; circular base, columnar body, reticulated collar
GUSN: 71969
Accession Number: 1969.5008.1
Ivory; 4 feet, curvd reticulated sides, flared lip
GUSN: 71970
Accession Number: 1969.5008.2
Colorless; sq base, faceted, urn-shpd, curved mouth
GUSN: 71971
Accession Number: 1969.5009
Wht, black, yellow, green; magnolia bud body, molded leaves & branches
GUSN: 71972
Accession Number: 1969.5010.1
GUSN: 71973
Accession Number: 1969.5010.2
Turquoise pitche with a double gourd-shaped body; arched spout, reptile handle; pattnered surface
GUSN: 71974
Accession Number: 1969.5011
Yellow, red, black; circular foot, reel-shaped body; rose sprays
GUSN: 71975
Accession Number: 1969.5012.1
GUSN: 71976
Accession Number: 1969.5012.2
Blue, white, yellow, brown; baluster-shaped, pinched spout, strap handle; rondel
GUSN: 71977
Accession Number: 1969.5013
Blue, black, yellow; baluster-shaped, wide mouth, double handles; star and geometric motif
GUSN: 71978
Accession Number: 1969.5014.1