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Unused sample of machine printed grey paper.

Wallpaper Border

Unused sample of three strips of borders on textured or embossed paper. Persian style motifs in little arches with ribbon or leaf ornament and a band of semi-interlacing. Printed in red, grey, black, gold and blue on a white ground.


Unused sample. Border. Densely arranged flowers included lily of the valley. Printed in pink, blue, white, brown, two greens and metallic gold on green ground.


Unused sample. Dense, allover stylized floral design. Printed in red, pink, yellow, black and white on a lavender field on olive ground. Straight repeat.


Fragments. Foliate and floral pattern with pin dots. Printed in blue (now looks grey), black, white on a green ground.


Fragment. Small-scale meandering leafy vine. In two blues, maroon and black on white ground.


Paper fragment used to decorate the top of a box. Geometric pattern of intersecting lines forming rectangular cells, chevrons, dots and stylized leaf ornament. Printed in greenish brown on a blue ground.


Unused samples. Roller printed floral paper with meandering branches and dots creating a stpling effect. Printed in grey, red and blue on a cream or white ground.


Wallpaper fragment. Stylized meandering vine printed in red on an unground.


Border fragment. Pattern of architectural dentils and mouldings. Three-dimensional scrolled brackets or mullions with leaves alternating with rosettes. Block printed in white and three shades grey ground.


Wallpaper border sample. Guilloche pattern enriched with rosettes. Printed in three shades of brown, light olive green, gold, gold glitter on a gold ground.


Fragment. Octagonal coffers alternating with rosettes. Printed in brown and black on a grey ground.


Wallpaper fragment. Mid-nineteenth century marble paper. Pattern consists of trompe l'oeil marble in rectangular cells framed by chevrons or zig-zag lines. Between each rectangle are bellflowers and rosettes. Printed in grey, black and white on a grey ground.


Unused sample. Pattern of willow leaves with berries or flowers. Printed in green, black and red on a light olive ground.


Unused sample. Geometric pattern with diamonds, zig-zag lines, dots and chevrons. Printed in white, red, mauve on yellow ochre.


Border sample. Floral pattern with roses and a bottom band of diamonds. Printed in three shades of red, three shades of green, dark brown and blue on a coffee ground.


Border sample. A classical architectural moulding pattern. Rosettes and triglyph-like elements. Printed in yellow, brown, two greens, black on a tan ground.


Unused wallpaper fragment. Cut border. Wide black flock band bordered above by narrow egg and dart moulding and below by beading. Printed in ochre, tan and brown and metallic gold.


Unused border sample. Design of interlacing and circles with stylized tulip or bellflower framed by repeat fretwork. Printed in two reds, brown and sand on cream ground.


Fragments of Renaissance Revival stripe paper with interlacing, arabesques and pin dots. Printed in green on a white satin ground.


Wallpaper fragment. Unused sample. Aesthetic, allover floral paper derived from Anglo-Japanese Style. Printed in red, olive, yellow and black on grey-green ground. Drop repeat.


Unused sample. Vertical striped moire. Renaissance revival elements on left bordered by undulating cable. Printed in two browns, tan, grey, blue and cream on a polished white ground. Straight repeat.


Unused border. Floral pattern with roses. Printed in two pinks, two reds, three greens, two blues, mustard and gold.


Unused sample. Meandering, thorny ivy vines. Printed in two shades of green on a white satin ground.


Unused paper. Overall pattern of small, wavy lines printed in ivory on a beige polished ground.

Wallpaper Border

Wallpaper border fragment. Classical architectural moulding patterns including Greek key, cord, bead and reel, leaf. Printed in black flock, mustard, gold, brown and red on a sand ground.


Four fragments pieced together creating a frame. Flocked and embossed paper of scrolling foliage and rope. Printed in two shades of blue, black and gold.


Fragment. Central motif in grisaille is of stylized flower or pine with interlacing scrolls, framed by fretwork and rosettes. Printed in three shades of grey and two shades green on a light grey ground.


Fragment. Printed in red.


Fragment. Meandering band of stylized flowers printed in two greens, yellow and red and outlined in black, bordered top and bottom by row of white ovals framing green continuous beading. Printed on beige ground.


Fragment. Marble masonry paper of octagonal and rectangular blocks with alternating pattern of shell and flower motifs. Printed in brown and green on ungrounded paper.


Fragment. Repeating white wreaths on a field of meandering metallic gold vines with rootlets and black berries on grey ground. Straight repeat.


Rolled sample. Diaper pattern. Pale green losenges with central berry motif in red and orange and outlined in dark green. Straight match.


Unused sample. Grisaille floral and foliate plasterwork on a brown field and accented with green floral sprays.


Fragment. Allover pattern of rectangular blocks with mirror images of stylized flowers and leaves with fretwork on the corner of the blocks. Printed in grey, green and black on a white ground.


Unused sample. Design of billowing leaves and diamonds with snowflake-like shapes, framed by scrollwork. Printed in green, brown and white on a tan unground.


Two fragments of floral stripe wallpaper and one fragment of matching borer. Pattern consits of solid green stripe edged in brown and tan scallops alternating with floral stripe edged with brown dots. Prints in dark brown, red, light borwn and tan on beige ground.


Unused sample. Continuous inverted palmettes printed in two greys and outlined in black on a grey ground.


One of two attached fragment layers. Second, or top most, layer is floral stripe and oak leaf pattern. Light green ground with oak leaf printed in white; daisy stripe printed in two browns, pink, orange, green, lavender and purple. [Also in separate folder, three fragments of same paper (b-d)]. Stra...


Fragment of fleur-de-lys pattern printed in gilt on diapered, embossed, white ground.


Two unused samples of meandering branches and leaves. Printed in grey, light green and gilt on white, polished ground.


Fragment. Pattern includes a flower blossom and delicate scrolled foliage. Printed in white and light blue on an aqua ground.


Unused wallpaper fragment. Allover meandering foliate vine printed in taupe and brown over a field of metallic gold palm-like foliate vine. Printed on beige ground


Cut sample of stenciled reproduction of curving, floral vine paper. Brown ground with white patterning.


Cut sample of reproduction diapered and vine stripe paper. Grey-blue ground with pattern printing in white. Straight repeat.

Reproduction Wallpaper

Cut sample of reproduction diapered patterned paper. Light brown ground with diapered pattern with chevron edges printed in white. Straight repeat.


Used sample of floral trail wallpaper. Black ground with white pin dots forming vermicular pattern. Pattern features nosegays in bouquet holders and floral/vines. Block-printed in pink, blue, green, white and red.


Two fragments of spiral leaf design. One is attached to Fourth of July paper, one is loose. Grey ground with pattern printed in black and white.


Fragments of commemorative/allegorical Fourth of July paper. Grey ground with pattern of Britannia, man in tri-corn hat and Indian princess printed in black and white.


Five fragments of vine stripe paper. Yellow ground with stripes of leaves and berries printed in blue. Straight repeat.