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Linoleum Samples

Linoleum sample, blue floral pattern with red floral border.

Linoleum Sample

Linoleum sample, tan and yellow pebbled pattern

Linoleum Sample

Linoleum sample, blue and tan square pattern

Linoleum Sample

Linoleum sample, white and green floral pattern on red ground

Linoleum Sample

Linoleum sample, brown leaf pattern

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Flat floor, low concave walls. Slightly concave rim with single reeded edge, edge stamped with individual punches reading *PAS * PAS *. Marked on bottom with "N.D" in a crown over york rose, also with circle enclosing ship with "N.D / 1818" below.

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Floor has inscribed circle. Sloped rim with single beaded edge. Incised line on back marks rim.

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Flat floor with concave walls, broad flat rim with slightly raised single beaded edge. Bottom has indecipherable marking.

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Flat floor with low rounded walls. Slightly concave single bead rim.

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Single bead rim. Marked on back with crown over rose, 2 large indecipherable marks, 4 small marks one "SE", one a suspended sheep (hard metal symbol).

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Tulip/baluster shape, probably for ale. 'S' scroll handle with indentation at top for hinge. Originally had a lid. Ribbing on shoulder. Two concave bands above foot ring. Marked on rim by handle "Pint" and on opposite rim a crown with "VR" for Victoria Regina, and BB underneath that.

Photograph of Boutell-Hathorn Farm

Framed photograph of Boutell-Hathorn Farm, Wilmington, Massachusetts. White house with dark shutters and a central chimney. White picket fence in front yard. Fence continues down the dirt road to the left of the house. Stone wall in foreground on right. Large barn and smaller outbuildings are visibl...

Photograph of Boutell-Hathorn Farm

Framed photograph of Boutell-Hathorn Farm, Wilmington, Massachusetts. White house with dark shutters and a central chimney. White picket fence in front yard. Fence continues down the dirt road to the left of the house. Stone wall in foreground on right. Large barn and smaller outbuildings are visibl...

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Set of five wooden chairs

Set of five wooden chairs, S.K. Pierce & Son, South Gardner, Massachusetts.


Multiple envelopes of Perfection dyes, with handwritten dye recipes. Cushing's Perfection Dyes, Manufactured by W. Cushing & Co.

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Three packages of circular needles in original paper sleeves, Hero Red Circle brand, Middleboro, Massachusetts, 1940-1990s

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One package of circular needles in original paper sleeve, The Boyle Needle Co., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, 1940s-1990s

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Wooden yarn swift

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Side Chair

Queen Anne transitional style with yoke crest set on turned rear stiles centering vasiform splat. Splat set into splat rail above replaced rush seat. Front legs have two ring turnings. Thin, paired double swell stretchers at front. Dowel stretchers paired at sides, single at rear. Refinished wi...

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Pot trivet or cooking grid. Two flat vertical bars bent at end to form feet, split at rear. Thirteen horizontal bars welded perpendicular through verticals. Handle bent upwards from rear bar tapered at end with circular punched finial. Stove black or enamel paint.

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Hearth Shovel

Reproduction of 1770-1810 style. Brass lemon top shows no casting marks but has lathe marks. Brass grip has no raised rings. Steel shaft riveted to slightly bell-shaped iron shovel.

Clothing Iron

Charcoal burning with 2-piece triangular body. Top half has horn shaped chimney and ring turned wooden handle which attaches to hollow base with draft control at back.

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Pear shaped body with spout and raised foot ring. Socket of side mounted handle riveted with heart shaped brace to mid-body. Swell turned wood handle fitted into socket.

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Lidded pan

Standing pan (a) has deep form with rounded walls. Half-round handle and three peg feet. The conforming cover (b) sets inside the pan rim and has an upturned lid rim. Arched handle at center of domed top.

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Hooked rug

Grey border with multi-color thin striped center, predominately pink, tan brown and blue.

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Side Chair

Made for a doll. Two tapering cylindrical rear stiles with urn and ring turning between 2 arch top horizontal splats, left stile is longer than right. Rush seat and turned front legs with tapered foot and four dowel stretchers around perimeter of legs. Painted brown with yellow and green flower s...

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Blue transfer printed decoration on white ground. Oval body has spout and 'C' shaped, spurred handle. Long sides decorated with scene of woman milking a cow with sheep in field and cottages in the mid-ground with a lake in the background. Floral vine on handle, spout, and top of body.

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Empire style form. Scalloped rim with broad spout, circular neck flares out at waist. Elaborately molded 'C' shaped handle. Blue transfer printed decoration of scrollwork and flowers inside mouth, on neck, lower body has romanticized African scene with 2 black figures in sailboat in front of half...

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Circular form with white ground. Deep blue decoration with rim having serpentine line that connects alternating 3-lobed flower with dot-in-circle. Floor has abstract vase with single flower. Other large striped petaled blossom over fence. Yellow on outermost rim.

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All white, glazed on interior only. Deeply molded exterior with forest scene and man in tricorn hat. Branch molded "7" shaped handle.

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Cylindrical neck with flared rim, sharply out curved spout. 'C' shaped handle with indented top and spur. Spherical body. Outflared foot.

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Circular form with tan ground. Flared neck with shaded gold wash on interior. Inverted pear shaped waist with flared foot. Top of foot and lower neck has brown band with moresque guilt pattern. Overlay decoration of large chrysanthemum blossoms in pink, blue, and white.

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Fire poker

Steel rod with coil grip

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Side Chair

Plain turned rear stiles with 3 horizontal splats graduated with narrowest at bottom, arched top of lower splats cut off top. Finials cut off. Replaced rush seat. Plain turned front legs. Paired dowel stretchers at sides and front, single at rear. Red-brown paint over earlier layers including g...


Circular form with light blue ground. Border with six reserves with bellflower and scroll decoration, cross-hatching between reserves. Floor decorated with five petaled stylized striped blossom, bellflower between petals. Hanger drilled into low foot on back.

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Pair of side chairs

Pair of Windsor side chairs with bird cage style crest. Seven spindles of back flanked by main stiles, 3 spindles extend through secondary rail to dowel through crest. Plank seat with serpentine sides having line incised around spindles and top and bottom edges of seat face. Bamboo turned legs so...

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Side chair

Pair of Windsor side chairs with bird cage style crest. Seven spindles of back flanked by main stiles, 3 spindles extend through secondary rail to dowel through crest. Plank seat with serpentine sides having line incised around spindles and top and bottom edges of seat face. Bamboo turned legs so...

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Side chair

Pair of Windsor side chairs with bird cage style crest. Seven spindles of back flanked by main stiles, 3 spindles extend through secondary rail to dowel through crest. Plank seat with serpentine sides having line incised around spindles and top and bottom edges of seat face. Bamboo turned legs so...

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Hinged slant lid missing its lock, folds down to reveal 8 pigeonholes above six drawers with 3 drawers at center. Drawers all pine, dovetailed and nailed, brass knobs. Case has 4 thumbnail molded drawers with curly maple fronts, replaced brasses, dovetailed drawer dividers. Case sits on straight ...

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Round double dropleaf top. Reproduction of ca. 1720 form. Long drawer fitted into one end of apron. Vase and reel turned legs, 2 gate legs, all end in ball feet. Stripped finish.

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Arm Chair

"Banister" back chair is possibly a ca. 1900 reproduction of 1710-30 form. Horn or dolphin tail crest between turned rear stiles having ball and knap finials. Five split vertical spindles form back. Flat sided vertically serpentined arms with scrolled hand holds modern rush seat. Weakly turned f...

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Card Table

Mahogany hinged top with serpentine sides and bow front. Top face edge has center band of string and pieced inlay. Figured mahogany veneer of skirt over 2 piece horizontal birch laminant, raised lightwood tablet at center framing mahogany ellipse. Skirt lower edge banded with same inlay as top ed...

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Gravy tureen with stand and ladle

Gravy tureen set with matching stand and ladle. Underglaze blue transfer decoration of the "Japan Flowers" pattern on pearl-glazed white body. border consists of oriental garden scenic reserves with elaborate floral and scroll motif overall. Central pattern of asymetrically placed background. Ma...

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Gravy tureen

Tureen body in a bulbous, steeped rectangular form with canted and shaped edges. Conforming foot. Molded 3-lobed leafy handles.

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Gravy tureen cover

domed conforming top.

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Gravy tureen stand

Conforming stand with similar handles.

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Gravy tureen ladle

ladle with simple deep round bowl and crooked handle.

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Set of deep saucers

White circular body with bracket scrolled rim. Interior decorated in style of Meissen onion pattern in dark blue. Marks on bottom.

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Deep saucer

White circular body with bracket scrolled rim. Interior decorated in style of Meissen onion pattern in dark blue. Marks on bottom.

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Deep saucer

White circular body with bracket scrolled rim. Interior decorated in style of Meissen onion pattern in dark blue. Marks on bottom.