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Chase, Theodore England - London, Windsor, Oxford, Crystal Palace, Channel Islands, Boston, England, etc. 1870-80

34 photographs

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Chase, Theodore Europe - Portugal, Belgium, Holland, France, Corsica, etc. 1870-89

20 photographs

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Chase, Theodore Europe - France and Germany

53 photographs

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Chase, Theodore Europe - Madeira and 2 ships 1870-88

11 photographs

No image available

Chase, Theodore US - California 1899-1900

86 photographs

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Chase, Theodore US - Boston, Marblehead, MA and Bar Harbor, ME

23 photographs

No image available

Unknown People - unidentified 1874-1920

24 photographs

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Unknown Portraits including Davis, Katherine, Crowninshield, Francis, Amory, Katherine, Codman, Richard


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Unknown People - Violet Eagerton, Harry Thorndike, unidentified, sailboats 1880s


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Unknown unmounted - Champery (Alps), Moscow, Paris, Athens, Mt. Desert, ME, Rome, unidentified portraits 1880s


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Unknown loose photographs to be filed and/or refiled


Burnett's Floral Hand Book, Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston, Mass., 1879

The flower dictionary is interspersed with descriptions of Burnett products such as Burnett's Cocoaine and Burnett's Standard Flavoring Extracts. There is a calendar for 1879 on page 2. Chas. P. Alden, 270 Main Street, Springfield, Massachusetts is advertised on the back cover.

"Ladies' note-book and calendar with select receipts and household information", World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, New York, 1881

Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines are advertised with recipes, testimonials and memoranda pages. Remedies for women's diseases are also described. The "World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel", founded by Dr. R.V. Pierce, is described in the item.

"Ladies' note-book and calendar", World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, New York, 1899

Remedies for female diseases are described with testimonials and memoranda pages. The "Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute" is located at 663 Main Street in Buffalo, New York.

Pierce's memorandum and account book designed for farmers, mechanics and all people, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, New York and London, England, 1881

Medical conditions and their remedies are described with memoranda pages.

Trade card for Sulphur Bitters, A.P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., undated

The card verso promotes "Disease, its causes and home cure," by Dr. Kaufmann. The image caption reads "Mrs. President Cleveland."

Handy cash book, Wells & Richardson Co., Burlington, Vermont, 1894

Portraits of individuals who have given testimonials for Paine's Celery Compound are interspersed with the account pages. An 1895 calendar is on the back cover. The product is sold at Chandler & Osgood, grocers, Chandler's Block, Lower Village, Claremont, New Hampshire.

Advertising card for Celery Bromide, laxative, Boston, Mass., undated

The product cures headaches. The verso has a stamp with an agent's name and an adress on Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Advertisements for Dr. R. Hall's Jaundice Bitters and Strengthening & Rhumatic Plaster, Dr. Hall, Birchdale, Concord, New Hampshire, undated

Directions are provided for the use of both products.

Handbill for Victor Liniment, for man or beast, J.R. Colton & Co., East Northfield, Mass., undated

The Liniment can be used for rheumatism, cramps, corns, sprains, bruises and cuts. The product is described and lists testimonials inside the handbill.

Instruments to assist the hearing, Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Handbill describing instruments to assist people with hearing loss.

Household almanac, Henry, Johnson & Lord, Burlington, Vermont and Montréal, Québec, 1886

Products such as Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, N.H. Downs' Vegetable Balsamic Elixir and Henry & Johnson's Arnica & Oil Liniment are described within the almanac. The items are sold by John S. Tufts, druggists, Plymouth, New Hampshire.

Favorite old songs, Henry, Johnson & Lord, Burlington, Vermont, undated

Popular songs alternate with descriptions of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, Downs' Elixir and Almond Snuff.

Calendar for Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-Cap-Sic Plaster, J.M. Grosvenor & Co., 148 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass., 1903

The verso states the product will "cure rheumatic pains, coughs, colds, kidney pains, backache, pleurisy, lumbago and all lameness."

Three household favorites, published by Dr. I.S. Johnson & Co., 22 Custom House Street, Boston, Mass., 1889

The business manufactures Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, Parsons' Purgative Pills and Sheridan's Condition Powder.

Trade card for Hicks & Badger, manufacturers of all kinds of copper work, Nos. 49 & 51 Pitts Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The business is located on Pitts Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Trade card for McLagan, Stevens & Bradley, iron founders and machinists, corner Howard Street & Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut, undated

The business manufactures iron columns, store fronts, tire benders, tuyer irons and baker's oven mouths.

Trade card for Prince & Clark, tin plate and sheet iron workers, Cambridge Street, East Cambridge, Mass., undated

The business has a new tin and stove store in East Cambridge opposite Hastings & Dana's.

Trade card for Wiley Brothers & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in tin, Britannia, brass and glass-ware, Saxton's River, Vermont, undated

Wiley deals in in stoves, dry goods, Yankee notions and pedler's barter.

Trade card for Springfield Gas Machine, Boston office, 117 & 119 Court Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card verso has an illustration of the gas generator and air pump.

Trade card for Wood, Bicknall & Potter Co., aluminum novelties, 359 to 369 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The business makes napkin rings, tooth pick holders, belt fasteners and other items. The text on the image reads "W.L. & Co. Rings Good as Gold."

Trade card for F.S. Dawes, leather, cloth and paper cutting dies, Hudson, Mass., undated

The card verso has a price list for different types of work. The business is located near F. Brigham & Company's Shoe Factory in Hudson, Massachusetts. A work sample is attached to the card.

Trade card for The Tubular Rivet Company, manufacturers of patent rivets, 161 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The rivets are for boots, shoes, brogans and shawl straps.

Trade card for Geo. Dunbar & Co., dealers in supplies for railroads, mills and manufactories, No. 134 Congress Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Rubber goods for mechanical purposes such as belting and steam packing are listed on the card verso.

Trade card for the Boston Nickel Plating Co., 13 & 15 Bowker Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The top of the card reads "Exclusive Licensees for Boston."

Trade card for the Boston Nickel Plating Co., japanning, plating, 160 Portland Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The Company does work on auto lamps, parts and castings of all kinds.

Trade card for McClure & Co., tin plate manufacturers, Washington, Pennsylvania, undated

The bottom of the card lists the prices for roofing tin. The card has an attached paper strip which reads "This will fit in Kidder's or Trautwein's Hand-Book." The business mills are in Washington, Pennsylvania with additional locations in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Early iron industry of Connecticut, by Herbert C. Keith and Charles Rufus Harte, 28 West Elm Street, New Haven, Connecticut, undated

The brochure advertises a pamphlet originally read before The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers.

Weather vane silhouettes for the golfer, W.A. Snow Iron Works, 17-19 Portland Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The shop is located on Third and Elm Streets in Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Billhead for Henry Perkins, foundry and machine shop, Bridgewater, Mass., dated September 16, 1884

The business manufactures iron and brass castings.

Advertisement for the Swampscott Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of special rapid transit tools, Swampscott, Mass., undated

The Company makes tools for plumbers, steam and gas fitters and for general mechanical purposes. A vise with an interchangeable jaw is shown in the advertisement.

Billhead for Fuller, Dana & Fitz, importers of tin plates and metals, 110 North Street, Boston, Mass., dated October 24, 1884

The business deals in iron, tin, copper, zinc, lead and tinmen's supplies of every description.

Billhead for Seavey & Company, stampers, tinners, japanners and enamellers, 93, 95 & 97 North Street, Boston, Mass., dated March 8, 1881

The Company works is located in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts.

Billhead for Dodge, Gilbert & Co., iron and steel, No. 45 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass., dated January 24, 1880

The business deals in such items as finished axles, horse shoes and nails, locomotive screws, fan blowers and carriage wheels.

Billhead for Alonzo Josselyn, manufacturer of iron castings of every description, corner Tremont and Ruggles Streets, Boston Highlands, Mass., dated April 10, 1868

The business foundry is shown in the image. Pattern making and repairing are done to order.

Billhead for William H. Low, Dr., manufacturer of all kinds of iron work for buildings, No. 7 Province Court, Boston, Mass., dated June 1, 1879

The customer purchased hangers, bolts and nuts.

Billhead for E.B. Badger & Son, Dr., coppersmiths and galvanized iron workers, 63 & 65 Pitts Street, Boston, Mass., dated March 31, 1882

Badger is the sole New England agent for Irwin & Reber's Patent Standing-Seam Expanding Water Conductors and Hayes' Patent Metallic Sky-Light.

Billhead for the Providence Tool Co., iron manufacturer, Providence, Rhode Island, dated April 6, 1860

The business is "prepared to execute orders for every description of cold punching and job work."

Billhead for Joshua Dean, Dr., iron founder, East Bridgewater, Mass., dated December 22, 1884

Dean is located near the East Bridgewater Depot and Old Colony Railroad.

Billhead for John Fandel, sheet iron and tin ware manufacturer, No. 113 West Canton Street, Boston, Mass., dated April 3, 1876

Fandel deals in kitchen furnishing goods, parlor and cooking stoves.