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Interior Settings

Photo album. Album has a heavy textured dark brown covering and is held together with two metal brads. Front cover is loose. Album has 74 olive green pages; 28 of the pages are blank. Album contains 126 mounted black-and-white photographs. Album is first of three that contain photographs of furni...

Easter dinner menu, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., April 3, 1904

The menu has Spanish Fritters, spring lamb, Charlotte Russe, popcorn and Benedictine Punch. Lilies decorate the menu cover.

Souvenir menu of George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1893

An axe is part of the cover illustration. The menu offers such dishes as leg of mutton, broiled quail, fancy water-ices and Delmonico Punch. The menu is decorated with illustrations of Washington's sword and camp chest. The menu page verso has illustrations of the Associations of Mount Vernon. A po...

Dinner menu, George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1896

The menu offers blue points, boiled turkey, Washington Pie and Blood Orange Water Ice. A silver axe with violet flowers decorates the menu cover.

Menu, George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1899

The holiday menu has such dishes as fried egg plant, lamb chops à la Washington, marshmallow ice cream and Roman Punch. The upper left corner of the menu has Washington's Arms and the lower right corner has a portrait of him.

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Grace Trofa photographic collection

This is a collection of mounted and unmounted, black-and-white and color photographs by Grace Trofa taken between 1976 and 1993. It consists of four series: I) Photographs of Joseph Yeomans and his farm, II) Portraits taken in the North End, Boston, Massachusetts, III) Photographs of buildings unde...

Menu, George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1902

Among the holiday offerings were smoked ox tongue, Pekin duckling, steamed cherry pudding and Hollandaise Sherbet. A reproduction of the Gilbert Stuart Washington portrait is on the menu cover.

Dinner menu, George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1903

Dishes included on the menu are fried oyster crabs, spring lamb, roast larded grouse, frozen walnut pudding and Lalla Rookh Punch. A silver axe and the Vendome Column decorate the menu.

Dinner menu, George Washington's birthday, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1904

The menu has brook trout, beef ribs, spring lamb, roast black duck, Queens Pudding and Grape Sherbet among the offerings. The menu has a portrait of Washington and an illustration of the Valley Forge headquarters.

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Menus - Copley Plaza Hotel


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Menus - Organizations - Special Format


Ladies' Day menu, Commercial Club, Parker House, Boston, Mass., April 23, 1885

The menu is fan shaped, padded and has an attached stand so it will sit upright at each place setting. It is decorated with a bow and tassels. A card is attached to the bow with the text "Commercial Club, 159th reglar meeting, Ladies Day, Parker House, April 23, 85."The menu has appetizers, main dis...

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Menus - Organizations - Dinners held at hotels


Dinner for Saint Andrew's Lodge, American House, Boston, Mass., February 24, 1852

The bill of fare has oyster soup, turkey, duck and a selection of pastries among the offerings.

Dinner for the Board of Visitors of the Boston Lunatic Hospital, American House, Boston, Mass., November 30, 1853

The menu has leg of mutton, venison steak, partridges, cranberry sauce and a variety of pastries. The menu cover is a doily.

Complimentary banquet to the Richmond Encampment of Knights Templars, given by the De Molay Encampment, American House, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1858

The menu lists the table ornaments in addition to the bill of fare.

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Second annual banquet of the Thompson's Spa Bowling League, American House, Boston, Mass., March 24, 1908

The menu items listed include cream of celery, boiled halibut, Harlequin Ice Cream and maraschino punch. Text on the cover states that dinner will be from 8 to 9 and vaudeville from 9 to 10. Thompson Spa was a temperance bar on Washington Street. League members are listed on the menu verso.

Annual supper, Rod and Gun Club, Chandler's Exchange Hotel, location unknown, November 17, 1882

Fish and game are served at the club's supper. The dishes listed include Kennebec Salmon, Prairie Chicken, Fricassee of Gray Squirrel and Kentucky Whips.

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"Grant Night" dinner menu, Middlesex Club, Copley-Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mass., April 26, 1913

The dinner guests are John D. Long, Herbert S. Hadley and Nicholas Murray Butler. A Grant night song is printed in the menu. A portrait of Grant is on the menu cover.

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Complimentary dinner tendered to Brig. Gen. William Curtis Capelle, retired, by the 1st Co., Coast Artillery Corps, M.V.M., Roxbury City Guard, Copley Square Hotel, Boston, Mass., December 29, 1914

The dinner is in recognition of the 60th anniversary of Capelle's original enlistment. A portrait of Capelle is included with a list of ranks held reprinted from the "Adjutant General's Report," 1913. A guest list, company roster and reception committee are printed in the menu.

Annual state dinner of the Independent Company of Cadets, Parker House, Boston, Mass., January 1, 1862

The Massachusetts state seal decorates the menu cover. The bill of fare lists appetizers, hot and cold dishes, game and desserts.

Dinner of the Jacobite Club, Parker House, Boston, Mass., April 18, 1873

Oysters, turtle soup, leg of lamb and Roman Punch are among the menu offerings. The menu border is decorated with raised images of game and fruit.

Menu, Commercial Club of Boston complimentary to Hon. John Sherman, Parker House, Boston, Mass., July 22, 1879

The dishes served include little necks, salmon, Mongrel Duck, frozen pudding and fruit. John Sherman was Secretary of the Treasury under President Rutherford B. Hayes and an Ohio Senator.

Menu, Governor Rice Staff Association, Parker House, Boston, Mass., January 2, 1883

Rice was a governor of Massachustts from 1876-1879. A female kitchen worker illustrates the inside of the menu. The dishes offered include bluepoints, saddle of Kentucky mutton, foie gras and Roman Punch.

Letter to Eliza Susan (Morton) Quincy from Nelly Custis Lewis

A letter to Eliza Susan (Morton) Quincy (addressed as "Mrs. Morton") in care of Judge Quincy in Boston from Eleanor Nelly Parke Custis Lewis, granddaughter of Martha Washington and step-granddaughter of President George Washington. Mrs. Morton is perhaps a relative of Eliza Susan (Morton) Quincy. Th...

Menu, Commercial Club, Parker House, Boston, Mass., April 23, 1885

The dishes served include turtle soup, Penobscot Salmon, spring lamb, walnut pudding and Champagne Ice. A seating chart is on the menu verso.

Menu, The Concord Minute Men, Parker House, Boston, Mass., June 6, 1893

The Minute Men enjoyed such dishes as Little Neck Clams, Penobscot Salmon, omelette soufflées and frozen Tom and Jerries.

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Lists of Edmund Quincy loans

Three photocopied lists of loans from Edmund Quincy, two to the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (now Historic New England) and one to the Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames of America.

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Stock certificate for Western Rail Road Corporation

A stock certificate for the Western Rail Road Coporation signed by treasurer Josiah Quincy in 1841.

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Interior Settings

Photo album. Album has a heavy textured dark brown covering and is held together with two metal brads. Front cover is detached. Album has 72 olive green pages; 31 of the pages are blank. Album contains one loose and 113 mounted black-and-white photographs. Album is second of three that contain p...

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Interior Settings

Photo album. Album has a heavy textured dark brown covering and is held together with two metal brads. Front cover is loose. Album has 52 olive green pages; four of the pages are blank. Album contains 118 mounted black-and-white photographs. Album is last of three that contain photographs of furn...

Menu, The American Antiquarian Society, Parker House, Boston, Mass., April 28, 1897

The group had such dishes as oysters, spring lamb, apricot tarts, strawberry shortcake and to drink, frozen Tom and Jerries. A Roman soldier and a Native American are on two coins with weapons in the background in the cover illustration. Henry L. Kyser, the printer, is located at 169 Tremont Street.

Dinner of the Committee on Printing of the City Council of Boston, Revere House, Boston, Mass., September 28, 1850

The bill of fare has such dishes as baked Blackfish, Virginia Ham, compote of pigeons, venison and meringue baskets. Pink flowers decorate the menu. The city seal is on the menu verso.

Bill of fare, Boston Light Dragoons dinner for 160, Revere House, October 18, 1853

The bill of fare has such dishes as Leg of South Shore Mutton, quail, fillet of beef, meringue bakets and Roman Punch. The dinner took place at 5 1-2 o'clock. An image of Revere House is on the menu cover.

Dinner for 28 persons, Revere House, Boston, Mass., April 17, 1856

The bill of fare has such dishes as Westphalia Ham, chicken salad, calf's head, duck and meringue baskets. The border of the menu cover is decorated.

Dinner by the city government of Boston, in honor of Rear Admiral Mehemet Pasha and suite, Revere House, Boston, Mass., May 25, 1858

Mehemet Pasha was a Turkish Admiral who visited the United States. The bill of fare has such offerings as baked shad, roast lamb, cold dishes, side dishes, game and a selection of desserts. An embossed border decorates the menu with the seals of Boston and the United States.

Complimentary dinner to H.R.H. the Grand Duke Alexis, Revere House, Boston, Mass., December 9, 1871

The Grand Duke of Russia visited the United States as part of a goodwill tour in 1871-1872 and was entertained in Boston. The menu courses are listed in French with wines and liqueurs. The envelope has the name "T.C. Stearns" engraved on it. The envelope has "Grand Duke Alexis" handwritten in pencil...

Ladies' night dinner, Papyrus Club, Revere House, Boston, Mass., February 15, 1879

Club members dined on fillet of sole, fois gras, quail, Charlotte Russe and champagne punch. "The Loving Cup of the Papyrus" poem and the music offerings are printed in the menu.

Anniversary dinner, Committee of the City Government of Boston, Spy Pond House, Cambridge, Mass., November 14, 1849

The guests dined on salmon, turkey, game, pastries, puddings and dessert. T.W. Seaver is the proprietor.

Dinner for forty-five gentlemen, Taft's Hotel, Point Shirley, Mass., August 9, 1850

The gentlemen enjoyed clam chowder, fish, Leg of South Down Mutton, roast pig, wild goose, puddings, pastries and ice cream. Pink flowers decorate the menu.

Complimentary dinner given to Robert A. Southworth, by Republicans of the Charlestown District, Tremont House, Boston Mass., February 24, 1887

Southworth was secretary of the Republican State Committee. The invited guests, listed on the menu verso, included Massachusetts Governor Oliver Ames and other persons in state government. The guests dined on English turbot, beef, Green Goose, lamb cutlets and Roman Punch. The Bunker Hill Monument d...

Duplicate Photographs

Photo album. Album is unbound and covers are separated. Album covers have a fabric covering with leather corners. Album has 100 loose pages; fourteen of the pages are blank. Album contains 93 mounted black-and-white photographs. Photographs are of a variety of objects manufactured by A. H. Davenport...

Second anniversary dinner of the Roxbury Reserve Guard Association, United States Hotel, Boston, Mass., February 22, 1867

The diners enjoyed turtle soup, turkey, venison steak, Cabinet Pudding and other dishes.

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House for W.A. Gardner, Beverly, Mass.

This is a perspective drawing, graphite drawing on paper. It depicts a stone dwelling, three-four stories, featuring three gables and chimneys. The exterior is funished with tall, lean trees and shrubery. A marble, or possibly stone, staircase and handrails line the front of the dwelling.

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Massachusetts - Newburyport


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House for C.G. Pendill Esq., Newburyport, Mass.

This is a perspective, graphite drawing on paper, depicting a wood dwelling. The dwelling is colonial style, with a center pathway leading to an arched door. There is a deck/balcony off the left side. The entire dwelling is surrounded by a manicured lawn, complete with shrubery and tall trees.

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Mixed media artwork of an unidentified church, location unknown

This is a large presentation of an unidentified church with gothic windows and rounded archways. The bulidng also contains a large tower that serves as a main entrance to the building. Medieval, gothic, window slits take up most of the building space, save for the larger, arched windows on the base ...

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Perspective drawing of unidentified church, location unknown, undated

This large perspective of an unidentified church is neatly outlined with pen. The church has turrets, pointed archways, stained glass windows, and circular windows. The bottom appears to be modeled after marble. It is a take on the gothic style. Intricately shaped tiles are drawn on the roofs of...

Dinner of the Massachusetts Reform Club, Young's Hotel, Boston, Mass., February 28, 1896

The members dined on bisque of clams, sirloin of beef, roast Philadelphia capon and Tipsy Cake. The currency system was the dinner topic addressed by speakers James H. Eckels, Horatio G. Curtis and F.W. Taussig. Eckels was Comptroller of the Currency under President Grover Cleveland. Henry L. Kyser,...

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Menus - Organizations - Dinners held at clubs and halls
