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Costumes of all nations, Neapolitan Italy,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Emily Post's motor manners, the bluebooklet of traffic etiquette, National Highway Users Conference, Inc., Washington, D.C.

Proper road etiquette and behavior for drivers is described through questions and answers.

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Costumes of all nations, Japan,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Dixon's Graphite Automobile and Tractor Lubricants, Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, New Jersey

Dixon products are described with where to apply them on your automobile.

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Costumes of all nations, Manila,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set ...

Arrow Grip for Republic Trucks, Arrow Grip Manufacturing Company, Glens Falls, New York

Arrow Grip provides "Non-skid chains for solid tire vehicles." The Republic Trucks were made by the Republic Motor Truck Company in Alma, Michigan.

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Costumes of all nations, Netherlands, Island Marken,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Cole Bulletin, vol. 6, no. 2, Cole Motor Car Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The periodical contains news stories about Cole Aero-Eight use around the world.

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Costumes of all nations, Norway,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Vagabond, Vagabond Coach Manufacturing Company, New Hudson, Michigan

Vagabond Models 262 and 232 are described showing features and construction. The trailers can be bought at Baumgardner Trailer Sales, 137 Lexington Street, Woburn, Massachusetts.

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Costumes of all nations, Portugal, Vianna,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Buick for nineteen twenty-four, Buick Motor Company, division of General Motors Corporation, Flint, Michigan

Buick four and six cylinder models are described in the catalog.

Dodge Brothers motor car, Dodge Brothers, Detroit

Dodge vehicles are shown in urban, rural and factory environments in a series of drawings. Specifications and an image of the business premises are included as well.

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Costumes of all nations, Roumania,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Ford, the universal car, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

Background on Ford Motor Company production is provided with raw materials used, factory capacity and volume. The thirty Ford branch factories in existence have images and short descriptions. A separate brochure on the Ford Model T One Ton Truck is included in the pamphlet.

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Costumes of all nations, Roumania,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Buick Valve-in-Head Motor Cars, six cylinder open and closed models, Buick Motor Company, Flint, Michigan

Buick models, motors and specifications are described. A flap on the back cover has a cross section of the Buick's frame printed on it. Buick branches and distributors are listed on one page. A revised price list for January 1, 1919 is stamped on the specifications page.

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Costumes of all nations, Servia,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Hand book of gasoline automobiles, for the information of the public who are interested in their manufacture and use, Dr. Robert T. Moffatt, Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers, 7 East 42d Street, New York, New York

The publication is the third annual announcement providing the specifications and prices for gasoline-powered cars manufactured in 1906. Blank catalog request forms are included in the back of the hand book. Dr. R.J. Moffatt is located at 520 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

Price lists of parts and accessories, Ford Model T 1909-1916, effective June 1, 1916, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

Prices and specifications are listed for part and accessories for the Ford Model T.

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Costumes of all nations, Servia,The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Barcelona, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Corunna, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Salamanca, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Sevilla, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Save 1/3 the gas, Gray Motor Corporation, Detroit, Michigan

Five Gray models are shown with descriptions and prices. A handwritten note states the brochure was procured from the Boston Auto Show in 1923.

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Sevilla, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Meritas made the fabric body, the newest development in body construction, Standard Textile Products Company, 320 Broadway, New York, New York

The incorporation of Meritas fabric into automobile construction is described for customers. The brochure is from the 1923 Boston Auto Show.

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Valencia, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

Smilin' through, by Lotta Miles, Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., New York, New York

Text on the title page reads "This little booklet is about your car and how you can make it contribute even more to your health, wealth and happiness." The advantages of Kelly-Springfield Tires are shown in captioned illustrations. The pamphlet was available at the Charles Street Garage Company, 14...

Ford manual for owners and operators of Ford Cars, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

The maintenance of Ford vehicles is described through questions and answers. The last page has an index and there is a list of Ford Factories and Branches.

Reo, the gold standard of values, Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Michigan

Four models manufactured by the Reo Motor Car Company are described with the chassis specifications.

Safe in a Stutz, Stutz Motor Car Company of America, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

The safety features of Stutz cars are described with owner testimonials. The Stutz Motor Car Co. of Boston, Inc. is lcoated at 677 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

There is a place like home, Streamlite, Chicago Steamlite Corporation, N.W. Corner 37th Street at Princeton, Chicago, Illinois

Trailer model features are described in the pamphlet. Two separate sheets are included for Streamlite trailers from 1949.

Passenger bodies on the Speed Wagon chassis, Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Michigan

Multi-passenger vehicles such as buses, patrol cars and hearses are described in the catalog.

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Health and medicine


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Life insurance


Burnett's floral hand book, Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston, Mass.

The flower dictionary is interspersed with descriptions of Burnett products such as Burnett's Cocoaine and Burnett's Standard Flavoring Extracts. There is a calendar for 1880 on page 2. The pamphlet is available at George H. Parker, druggist, in Andover, Massachusetts. "Dream of the cossack" is the ...

Popular hero, a record of his wonderful deeds or gain over pain, by Palmer Cox, Pond's Extract, Pond's Extract Co., New York and London

Illustrations and accompanying verse describe a Pond's Extract knight fighting monsters that represent the illnesses and conditions it is supposed to cure. The back cover has a testimonial letter from the temperance orator John B. Gough.

Health! How to keep it if you have it, how to get it if you've lost it, Angier Chemical Co., Irvington Street, Boston, Mass.

Health tips using Angier petroleum products are described with customer testimonials.

Landmarks of New England, published by Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass.

The sites described are primarily those in Massachusetts with three in New Hampshire and one in Maine. Ads and testimonials for Company products are included.

Catalogue of drugs and medicines, instruments and utensils, dye-stuffs, groceries, and painters' colours, imported, prepared and sold by Smith & Bartlett at their druggists store and apothecaries shop, No. 61 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.

Drugs, instruments and other items are listed with handwritten quantities next to them. The item is inscribed to the Hon. Daniel Coney, Esq. The name Smith & Bartlett has been cut out of the title page. The following handwritten text has been substituted "John P. Whitwell at his...corner of Winter S...

Hollywood chrome plated wheel chairs, walkers, commodes, Everest & Jennings, Inc., Los Angeles, California

The construction, details and prices are provided for potential customers. The products are carried by the C.H. Goldthwaite Company at 743 Boylston Street in Boston.

State seals and mottoes, compliments of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurace Co., Boston, Mass.

The item has the seal and motto for each state as of 1890. There are descriptions for Alaska, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, areas not yet granted statehood. Facts about the Company are printed at the bottom of each page.

United States Benefit Association of Boston, Mass., Snow Building, 160 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.

Potential customers are provided with background on the Association and the names and addresses of policy holders for reference.

Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark, New Jersey

The item is the 34th annual statement of assets, expenditures and liabilities for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. Sidney M. Hedges is the agent for Massachusetts with an office at 15 State Street in Boston.

Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company of the City of New-York, office 17 William Street, New York, New York

Company policies are described in the pamphlet. A United States map identifies the class areas that correspond to the table rates. An illustration on the back cover has an insurance agent, two children and a dog.

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Costumes of all nations, Spain, Valencia, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Costumes of all nations, Sweden, The Singer Manufacturing Co., New York, New York, 1892

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The item is one of a card set c...

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Seth Thomas Clocks, Seth Thomas Clock Company, Thomaston, Connecticut

Six chiming clocks are described in the brochure.